Look Out!

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I forgot to mention this but Mason plays American football. The guy above is Chris.

Soon, the two males made it back to the school. Mason was instantly yelled at by the coach. 

Liam took a seat on the bleachers and put the camera on Mason's lean back.

Practice started.

Everything was going perfectly except for Liam being there. Chris walked up to the nerd who was just doing what he was supposed to. "You can't be here." The jock snapped. 

"I'm sorry." Liam said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Would you rather me be in your bed?"

"That'd be nice." Chris crossed his arms over his chest.

"Let me just get on my knees." Liam scoffed and went back to working on an essay.

"You need to leave." Chris demands.

"And why should I?" Liam stood up, his face inches from Chris's.

"Closed practice." Chris said and leaned in closer.

Mason saw what was happening and walked over, wrapping his arm around Liam's back. "Is he bothering you?"

Chris was at a loss for words. 

Liam shook his head. "He's just so used to get everything handed to him on a silver platter that he doesn't know how to be a decent human being."

Chris stormed off leaving Liam and Mason alone. "Do you need anything?" Mason asked softly as he looked into Liam's stunning eyes.

"I'm good, thank you. I could've handled that, you know." Liam said softly as he kissed Mason's cheek. YOU IDIOT! A voice screamed in Liam's mind. You need to leave. Not because of anyone else but because of what you just did. Now people are going to think you're actually together. "I am so sorry!" Liam said, his eyes wide with horror.

Mason shook his head. "It's okay."

Liam nods and sat back down.

Half an hour or so of practice had passed and nothing had happened. Suddenly, a football came hurling towards Liam's face. "LOOK OUT!" Mason's voice screamed but it was too late. The ball had collided with Liam's nose.

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