The Fairytale Ending

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Wait, no. Too late now. The text was sent. Liam meant what he typed, but he figured Mason wouldn't like him like that. So Liam lied; he said the heart was an accident. But then Mason sent it back. Liam didn't know how to reply so he turned off his phone and laid back on his bed. The world was falling apart but also into place. Liam's mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour. The night passed by slowly and Liam didn't sleep at all. However, the day that just passed was Thursday. That means Liam and Mason had to meet up today outside of Mason's locker. This should be fun.


The final bell rung loudly throughout the school and Liam had to rush out of his classroom to get to his own locker before going to Mason's. Liam was pretty nervous, seeing as how he really did mess up yesterday. Soon enough, however, Liam and Mason were inches apart from each other. "So... About yesterday..." Liam said softly.

"What about it?" Mason hummed as he shoved his books into the metal.

"The whole... Heart thing..." Liam mumbled, actually scared of what Mason would say.

"Oh, yeah. That was pretty cool, wasn't it?" Mason chuckled. Before Liam knew it, Mason had the male against the lockers. "Did you really mean it?"

Liam gulped harshly and nodded a slight bit. "Did you?"

"I never say something I don't mean," Mason replied and connected his lips to Liam's softly. Without any hesitation, Liam kissed back. Using his hands under Liam's thighs, Mason picked the other up. Everything felt so right with Mason. It was perfect. Mason was perfect... But this wasn't real life. After what felt like a second but was probably more like a minute, Liam pulled away and shook his head. "What's wrong, beautiful?" Mason whispered.

"This isn't real. You aren't real." Liam said as he planted his feet on the ground again. "People like you don't like people like me..."

"That's just a fairytale ending people in real life don't get." Mason finished with a soft chuckle. "I know. You've written about it."

"How do you know what I've written?" Liam whispered.

"I follow your blog. I have for years. Since we started high school. It may seem weird but I've always looked up to you." Mason replied softly.

Liam shook his head. "Another fairytale lie." He mumbled. "High school isn't a movie. It's real life. You're supposed to hate me. Punch me. Now."

Mason shook his head. "I'm not doing that. I care too much about you."

Liam laughed coldly. "You don't care. Nobody does. Just punch me and bring back into reality."

With hesitation, Mason punched Liam in the jaw.


The single high pitched whine was heard through the hospital room. Liam's heartbeat flatlined. Mason was never there. Liam was never in high school. Mason was just a dream that Liam wanted to come true. But as the sun set on Liam's life, a soft kiss was pressed to the other's head. "That's just a fairytale ending." An unknown voice mumbled. "People in real life don't get that."

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