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It was a mall meeting, the very first.
The one that sparked in my soul a flare.
The one to put my hard heart to the test.
This was the genesis, the very dare.

The genius of providence was found in my imperfections.
As she was the best thing fleshy eyes could see.
And the one to bring to your thoughts about descent, many questions.
But I was the one to find love, so it should be.

She loved me like that, I never thought,
I never wanted to. It was hard to believe.
I had some kind of voodoo power, to make me sought.
And by not just any lady, but the best demoiselle I'd ever see.

I ran, I was scared I was being tricked.
But for what? I wasn't wealthy, just an average writer.
One with a weirdness only I could afford, I sucked!
I wasn't more than good enough for myself, talk less of perfect for her.

But to my damnation, she persisted.
She said, "you are good enough for me".
And I believed, and all my heart quaked and caked my hardness.
And i took it in, "you are the best there could be".

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