Chapter 17

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"Alright. I'm going to put Reo, Nebuya and Hayama out. I'm also not going to be in the game. I want to see what the first years and second years can do."

The second and first year regulars nodded, all of them looking grim and determined. Akashi had picked out their best first and second years in the first string, they would become the regulars in the next year and he had high expectations for them. He had one thing on his mind though. As the team dispersed to warm up he called on the shortest one on the whole team.


Kuroko turned slightly surprised at Akashi calling him by his last name.

"You are gong to be in the second half of the game. I expect nothing less of you than the other regulars since I gave you a chance."

Kuroko nodded. For some reason an expression mask covering his features. Akashi should have been worried about the tealnett but some how the expression mask seemed to indicate that it wasn't Kuroko's first time on the court.


The game had started with the buzzer and cheers from both sides from the team. Akashi watched the game from the bench with observing eyes. He had to admit. Their young players were quite impressive, holding up nicely against the Makio highschool's third year regulars.  

They managed to be 5 points ahead by the first quarter. However things started to head downwards when their shooting guard was injured and was subbed out.

By the end of the second half Rakuzan was 15 points behind. As the buzzer rang to announce a ten minute break the players were looked very down but, Akashi was sure they were all thinking. Thinking of a way to get back. Akashi turned to Kuroko who still had an expressionless mask on.  He must also be thinking. Then he must have realized that they needed something to turn the tide. Something that could strengthen their offense enough that could make up for their shooting guard. Akashi closed eyes and reopened them noticing that Reo had sitten down next to him and was  staring at him.

"Worried about Tet-chan?"

Akashi shrugged

"Well I am. I just can't imagine what he can do to change this up."

Akashi suppressed the urge to smirk

You have no idea...

"Do you think Tet-chan can change the difference of 15 points?"

Akashi frowned.

"I don't know"

Reo raised an eyebrow.

"The great Akashi Seijuro doesn't know something?"

He pursed his lips and stood up, turning towards to where the tealnett was sitting.


Kuroko looked up to meet the red heads eyes. As he studied those eyes he could feel pressure. A hige pressure prssing dow  at as though to crush him, aucking the air out of his lungs. He knew he wasn't talking to the Sei that had teased him this morning but Captain Akashi Seijuro, the emperor eye, former captain of the generation of miracles. A shiver ran through his body as he met those cold red and golden eyes. He could somehow understand why people called him the emperor. The Akashi he was  looking at now seemed to be powerful, controlling and absolute except for the fact that he was the second shortest one on the team.

Akashi looked into the tealnett's eyes. Maybe Reo was right, he was worried about him. Just by looking at him Akashi could not imagine how this scrawny kid could turn the tide for them. Even though he had seen Kuroko play flawlessly when playing street ball with the Gom he felt a slight uncertainty. He knew he couldn't just throw Kuroko out of the team because he couldn't make up for the 15 points. He had promised himself to make the blue angel infront of him smile during the small amount of peace they had but Kuroko had to prove himself to the other regualrs to stay on the team.

"I will be in the second half with you."

The team memebers stared at their captain.

"I want to see what you can do on the court myself."

Kuroko raised his eyebrows. He knew that Akashi had already seen what he could do. Maybe, just maybe the Akashi-kun now was not that different from the playful Sei......

He stood up to warm up while the other team members practically trembed in fear. They had seen their captain in action and knew that the consequence was not always pretty.

As the buzzer rang through the court Kuroko snapped his wristbands on. In truth he did not know what to do. This felt different from the time they had the practice game. He knew was meant to be on the court but he couldn't remember exactly what his part on the team was. He knew he was horrible with the basics and his body wasn't really made to play basketball. But as he warmed up he felt his body move on it's own and go through the warm ups like a routine...... as though he had been doing this all his life. He stepped on the court and felt no eyes on him. This was natural too. He had low presence afterall.

As Kuroko observed the ball flying around the court, bouncing up and down. He felt his hand twitch as though wanting to move. He bit his lip and moved toward the second year who was holding the ball and cornered by two more players. He spread his hands out and took his normal stance and watched as the ball fly towards him. Again his body seemed to move on his own as he turned, meeting Akashi's golden eye and with a flick of his wrist, pushing the ball towards the red head captain. He watched as Akashi's eyes narrow as he caught the ball,  immediately scoring a three.

Murmers and shouts of confusion spread through the whole court.

Had the ball curved?

What had happened?

Kuroko straightened and met both of Akashi's eyes. Akashi was staring at him, not moving from the spot he had scored from and he could see the smile in Akashi's eyes.

Kuroko kept up his pace and passed the ball left and right, sometimes pushing the ball with force so that the other team couldn't catch it. He was changing the ball's direction and generally caused mass panic in the Makio team.

He felt himself move naturally as he watched the ball. And again as he passed the ball, he felt a sudden  pain in his head. A feeling like a needle had been passed through his head. He kept up his expressionless mask but the pain was getting worse as he played. He could almost remember something. He suddenly realized that he had played basketball like this before with someone else. As the timer showed 3seconds left he pushed the ball upwards, toward the hoop as a second year jumped to dunk it. As soon as he saw the huge second year jump and smash the ball in an image flashed through his mind. A sudden and slightly bleary image.

Another red head.

Not Akashi-kun.

A huge redhead.

A white uniform.

As the image shifted as though to clear up a little his head exploded with pain and he blacked out with the buzz of the buzzer.

I am finally back!!!!
I'm really really sorry for disappearing for a month everybody. It had been a whole month of studying and studying and studying😢 and again I don't know when I will be back again but I really want to finish this fic so I won't be disappearing for forever!! Thanks for reading my story!! Please comment because I really enjoy reading the comments its one of the things that keep me going😃 and plz vote!!

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