Will you go out with me

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Bill had pulled Aurora aside after the welcome feast in the great hall not caring if they got caught as he would just say that he was a perfect. Bill pulled her into a empty classroom. "Aurora I want to ask you something important that I have been wanting to ask you for almost 2 years."

Aurora confused grabbed Bill's hand and stepped closer. "What do you want to ask Bill? And why did you wait so long to ask me?"

Bill pulled Aurora closer to hold her and took a deep breath. "Aurora... Aurora wi-will you go ou-out wi-with me? I noticed I liked you not like a sister but like a girlfriend in 2nd year. I didn't think I should ask you out in your first year or second year so I waited till you were a third year I want to make sure it wasn't a crush so I didn't hurt you by being a stupid guy with a crush, that would fade. So Aurora Potter will you please go out with me?"

Aurora froze for a minute shocked that Bill Wesley had asked her out on a date. He could have any girl from 2-6 year and he chose to ask her. Something seemed to snap in her and she jumped up and hugged Bill with all her strength. Jumping into Bill's arms like she had done so many times as she had grown up with him. But this time it felt so much different it felt like all the feelings of safety and warmth were magnified by 100. It was the same hug but the feelings that he gave her were finally coming on full strength. She leaned down to Bills ear and said one little thing "yes."

Bill didn't even hesitate and pulled her into a giant hug and kissed her with all he had as he had wanted to do all summer. He didn't want to push her and made sure to give her a chance to pull away but Aurora just pulled Bill closer to continue the loving kiss that the two had wanted to share for years. Let's just say that they didn't make it to the common room before curfew. (Not like that you dirty minded people)

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