Time to go public

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It never took much time for gossip to get around Hogwarts and unfortunately for Aurora and Bill they were at the center of it this morning. The minute they got back to their common room the night before they knew something was up, they were proven right when Percy walked up to them the next morning.
"Why didn't you tell me that you two were together? I wouldn't have told anyone and I love Aurora she's like my big sister." Percy complained the next morning at breakfast. All while hugging Aurora and cuddling into her robes and grabbing some toast.
Bill looked at him shocked. "Where did you hear we were dating, we only told Charlie. Sorry we didn't tell you but we had wanted to keep it quite so we didn't have to tell the parents quite yet." Aurora pulled him closer  into her side giving him a small hug while saying a small sorry.
Percy looked shocked at the question and gulped "The whole school knows some Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws caught you snogging by the lake and told the whole school. Sorry I thought you knew."
Aurora looked at him shocked before looking around and saw what he meant. Everyone was looking at Bill and her while whispering obviously trying to decide if it was just gossip or if they were really together. Then she looked at Bill who had started to get up. "what are you doing love?"
Bill simply stood up and jumped over the table taking the open seat next to Aurora. He gently grabbed her hand and whispered "I think it's time we show them who's your boyfriend. Plus I have not qualms with stopping all the guys flirting with you, your mine." Then without warning he gently turned her head toward him and kissed her while leaving a gentle hand on her cheek.
They kissed for a few seconds forgetting that they were in the great hall. But were interrupted by Charlie "Oi I might be ok with you two dating but that doesn't mean I want to walk into breakfast and see you two snogging in the middle of the great hall. By the way I think you will be that talk of the school for a while so might want to tell the parents soon."
He was right there were people passing money around and gossiping like their life depended on it and a few had even started writing letter to friends and family that had graduated saying that they won a bet. But there was also a group that was glaring and Bill and or Aurora which was some of the older Slytherins and people who had asked bill or Aurora out and were turned down, jealous that they were dating someone that wasn't them.
It didn't take long for the teacher, students, aluminum, and family's of the whole school to hear about the new couple. Everyone had been waiting for them to get together since they first saw them hug after Aurora's sorting. In other words this was a long time coming to the Hogwarts family.

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