Out for a walk

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"I'm so bored, and we can't play because hufflpuff is on the pitch today"  Complained Aurora. Laying on the couch so her head landed on Bill's lap.
Bill just started to play with her hair and said "Well we could play wizard's chess, exploding snap, just sit here, or go for a walk outside. Your choice love."
Aurora jumped up and ran upstairs screaming "Will go get your coat it's chilly out side today and were going on that walk you mentioned." He just chucked and grabbed the coat he had next to him since he knew they would end up going outside. When Aurora came back downstairs to the common room she grabbed Bill's hand pulling him down to the grounds near the Black lake.
"Slow down baby we have plenty of time to walk around to get your energy out so you can actually sleep tonight. Unlike last night we're you ran around until you passed out on me at 2 in the morning. Which reminds me why did you come up to my dorm to sleep babe? You could have gotten in a lot of trouble plus not many people know that we're dating." Bill said sitting down with his back against a tree.
Aurora sat down between his legs and leaned back on his chest so he could hold her and sighed in content. "I don't know why I came up to your room I think I just wanted you to hold me and it's not like you were complaining when I slipped in to bed with you, you were still awake and just closed the curtains so no one could see and  held me until we both fell asleep. You were still holding me when we both woke up to, you had a death grip on me but then again it's not like I was moving any time soon." She said somehow moving even closer to Bill and closing her eyes remembering how she woke up this morning.
Flash back:
Aurora was slowly waking up when she realized how well rested and warm she was. She also realized that she wasn't in her bed as the curtains were closed and she never closed her curtains. When she moved trying to figure out where she was she was pulled back into a warm comfortable chest, and a safe hold that made her want to go right back asleep and never move from this position. Seeing a familiar scar on one of the arms holding her made sigh in content. Finally recognizing the calming scent in the air as her boyfriends scent of wood and chocolates that always calmed her down. Bill woke up hearing her sigh and pulled her into his bear chest and put a small kiss on the back of her head letting her know he was up. They stayed there for 10 minuets just wanting to be with each other before getting ready for the day that they no long wanted to start. Bill softly spoke into Aurora's ear " it's a good thing we don't have classes today because I don't think ether of us want to move anytime soon."
Aurora turned around in his arms and softly said back " I don't think I ever want to move your the only person that can make me feel this safe and content with life."
End of flash back
Bill chuckled and said "it's not my fault I wanted to hold my baby girl last night. You remember all the nights where we would fall asleep in the living room. It didn't matter where we were when we fell asleep we always woke up with you in my arms. Or the times you snuck into my room during storms or cold nights, I miss those night where I would just hold you. They were always my best sleeps as I knew you were safe in my arms, where no one could hurt you." Bill sighed and pulled Aurora closer at him and put his head on top of her shoulder.
Aurora smiled at the memories of waiting till everyone was asleep in the living room and moving so she could cuddle into his arms, where even her young self felt the safest. "I remember going to your room once I gave up on trying to sleep, but I always fell right asleep once I was in your arms. Most of the time I wished I could just sleep in there so I wouldn't have to sneak into your room and could just move into the next bed over. I might have to start sneaking into your bed again during weekends at least I have not been able to sleep lately as you saw last night. If you don't mind of course?" Aurora was blushing as she admitted her sleeping troubles to her boyfriend. She hadn't had a good night sleep in weeks minus when she fell asleep on Bill in the common room when everyone stayed up late, but they didn't do that often.
Bill frowned softly kissing her cheek "Love why didn't you mention your sleeping troubles? I would have stayed up with you in the common room or brought you to my dorm so you could sleep. And I don't mind you coming up to my dorm, I've always loved being able to hold you no matter what time day or night baby girl I'll be right there if you need me. But now that I think about it you minus last night haven't come into bed with me since the beginning of my third year, I always thought I did something wrong. But you didn't act different minus that so I let it go to having a fancy on someone or just being uncomfortable with being in the same bed as me "
Aurora blushes darker and buried her face into Bill's chest. "I haven't come into your bed since your third year at Hogwarts just incase you started to fancy someone. I know a lot of people start dating once they get into third year so I backed off a bit Incase you got a girlfriend. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop atomically so I decided I would stop little by little going to your bed. It worked I'm just starting to need your arms around me again now that I know you don't like someone else. It's weird I know but I... I want you to hold me tonight, well every night. I haven't had a sleep like last night since my second year and well... I miss how tightly you held me at night, how you held me even tighter when I had a nightmare or a restless sleep. How you held me tight till I felt safe enough to go back to sleep or settled into a deep sleep. So did you mean it that you don't mind me coming to your dorm for the night?"
Bill gently lifted Aurora's chin so they were face to face. "I mean it, I will always take care of you Your my only love, I will never have another that I will love as much as you. Well unless I have kids in the future but they would only be tided with you. What I'm trying so hard to say is I want to hold you every night, even during the summer and breaks. Would you want to stay with me at night even school nights. All we would have to do I come out about dating to at least my family and our room mates. Unless your ready to tell everyone, because I know your younger than me but I want to be able to kiss you and hold you in general in public. I'll wait to if your not ready but I'm ya I think we're ready."
He gently kissed her after a quick look around to make sure no one was around watching them. She softly kissed back holding on to his biceps feeling the muscles in her boyfriends arms. Which were strong and defined after playing quidditch for fun and working out to make sure he could always defend his family in a time of need. Which he started working on after the attack on Aurora's house right before his first year. His hands separated one hand going to her hair the other going to her small waist, holding her tightly to him so the kiss would last as long as Aurora and time would allow. And if it was up to Aurora the kiss wouldn't have ended anytime soon, but time didn't allow it as a group of students came out to the grounds and saw the two locked tightly in a gentle kiss with Bill still leaning against the tree and Aurora pulled tightly to him. Aurora quickly pulled back hearing the younger girls in the group squeal about them kissing. Turning to Bill she sighed "Well looks like we don't have to worry about telling our roommates because everyone will know by dinner in a few hours. So we just have to owl family."
Bill just  chuckled at her and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Lets go write a letter or two then love. But hey just think of this no more sneaking in small kisses when we're alone. Now I can kiss you when ever I want."
Aurora visibly lit up hearing that "I think I can deal with that. But you have something to finish first." Bill laughed but complied pressing another gentle kiss to her lips.

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