Family worries

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Knowing that the whole school knew about them Bill and Aurora wrote a quick letter to their parents telling them of their relationship. The school was still buzzing about them and they did not want their parents to find out at work or though a friend. At dinner the day that Bill showed everyone that the we're together Aurora was cuddled into Bill's side. "Babe how do you think our parents will react to the letters we sent? I'm nervous that my parents won't like that I'm with someone." Aurora mumbled to Bill while closing her eyes tired from the days events.
Bill didn't answer for a minute as he looked down at his girlfriend who in his opinion looked adorable while cuddling into him falling asleep at the table. After a moment "I know that my parents will be thrilled that we are together and will happily have you over all they can and possibly scold me for not telling them sooner. I don't know about your parents though, I did try to get your fathers permission to ask you out. All I got out was I would let to ask before he told me to leave, so I don't know how he will react to us and I never really meet your mother so I don't know about them my love."
Aurora smiled thinking of what the elder Weasleys would probably say, but frowned remembering her family barley knew Bill or any of the Weasley as they were always at interviews or a public place to get more attention.

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