Just cuddle me

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Bill looked over at his tired girlfriend who was cuddling into his side in the great hall and leaned down giving her a kiss on the head and went to stand up making her sit up as to not fall over. "Come on Love Why don't we go back to the dorms and get you to bed." Bill suggested nodding his head to the great halls doors while grabbing her hand.
Aurora looking curious nodded and followed her boyfriend out of the hall and up to the dorms with a yawn. "Bill what are you planning in that red head of yours? And does it have something to do with cuddling and or a good snog?" She suggested with a little smirk on her mouth that made Bill quickly kiss it away.
Bill simply answered her questions with a smirk of his own and picked up his sleepy girlfriend who didn't protest and cuddled into his chest and listened to his heart beat slowly making her fall asleep.
When they got to the common room Bill carefully set her down on the couch and woke her up gently. "Love we're in the common room do you want to go up to your dorm to get some PJs on and meet here to go up to my  dorm or Just take one of my shirts and go straight to bed?"
Aurora have him a blank look and motioned for him to pick her up again. So he did, taking her to his dorm which was empty do to all his dorm mates still being at dinner and most likely knowing that they Bill would put Aurora in his bed as to not go up the girl dorm stairs not that any boy could. He gave her one of his rock shirts that was soft enough for her to sleep in, but she didn't move to get down to get the shirt on so he gently set her on his bed. "Sweetheart come on you need to get ready for bed then you can cuddle and go to sleep, ok." Bill whispered in her ear.
He turned around and she simply tugged on his shirt when she had his shirt on and was comfortably in his bed. He smiled at her and went in the bathroom to change into pajama bottoms leaving his chest bear.
Aurora started to whine as she waited for Bill to come back to the bed so he could hold her. "Babe please come cuddle I'm exhausted and I don't think I'll be able to sleep without you."
Bill quickly came back in and got in bed with her. They didn't speak as the got in their normal position.

Aurora smiled and relaxed at being able to listen to Bill's heart beat again while Bill smiled and gave her a kiss on the head pulling her closer

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Aurora smiled and relaxed at being able to listen to Bill's heart beat again while Bill smiled and gave her a kiss on the head pulling her closer. "Is this what you were thinking of love..." Bill commented teasingly while he relaxed as well.
Aurora started to pull back slightly before sighing contently and cuddling closer. "Just cuddle me, my love, that's all I want." Bill smiled at her once more before pulling her close sending them both off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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