Telling Charlie

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Aurora ran a hand down Bill's arm trying to calm him down. "Bill we have to at least tell Charlie. He's like a brother to me and he is your brother, love. We can't keep this from him he will flip if we don't, actually he might flip that we kept it quiet from him this long." Bill sighed and ran his hand through his hair again.

"I know but how do I tell my younger brother that I'm dating his best friend/ little sister. He's going to murder me for this, you know how protective he is of you. Heck, he punched that 4th year for asking you out in your 2nd year, and I'm even farther apart in age then he was from you. I just don't think it will end well for me, ok?" Bill was shaking by this point and had pulled Aurora into his lap so he wouldn't start to pace around the room. She didn't seem to mind and leaned back to rest on his chest.

Aurora rolled her eyes and raised a eyebrow. "So you think Charlie's protective of me, may I remind you that if I even get a small cut you tend to not let me leave your sight for hours. Love, Charlie wouldn't be mad if we tell him soon, but if we wait to long he's going to flip on you for not telling him. Plus I think you should be more worried about your moms reaction you know she treats me like another daughter and how protective she is of me. Or maybe the twins as I'm their favorite big sister?" Bill paled at the thought of his mother and twin siblings' reactions.

But neither saw Charlie walk in on Bill holding his best friend /sister on his lap while talking about him flipping for not telling him something. He was to curious by then and couldn't help but ask "Tell me what Bill? And what is my little sister doing on your lap?!"

"Charlie, we have to tell you something important. Please let us explain before you get mad that we took so long to tell you." Aurora rushed out to calm Charlie, so he wouldn't get mad at what they were about to say. He simply nodded waiting while looking at Bill hoping nothing bad happened or was happening to his little sister.

Aurora looked at Bill silently saying he was going to tell his brother. "At the welcoming feast last week I asked aurora to go out and last weekend, when I took her out and asked her to be my girlfriend. I was really nervous to tell you because well. I'm dating my younger brothers best friend/ little sister, I didn't know how you were going to take it. Especially since your really protective of her." Bill had now started to run a hand through Aurora's hair trying to calm down.

Charlie just looked at them for a minute then quietly said "finally" smiling like a idiot

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