Chapter 18- The Walk of Death

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Chapter 18- The Walk of Death

To go or not to go, that was the question.

I was currently laying on my bed, contemplating whether or not to go to Vincent's party. On one hand, it was the last party before winter break, but on the other hand, Alex would be there, which would be hard to ignore.

I groaned and pulled out my phone. I opened Messenger and shot Macy and Kristen a text in our group chat.

Me: Hey I'm not feeling too well I'm probably gonna skip tonight

Kristen: You're gonna stay home watching Netflix, aren't you?

Macy: Of course she is that's all she does

Macy: You should come Sam. You deserve to have some fun.

Me: Yeah but you-know-who is gonna be there. I really don't wanna face him after what happened the other day.

Kristen: You're right...ok girl we'll tell you if anything interesting happens. Enjoy your Netflix marathon ;))

I turned off my phone and placed it on my bedside table. I grabbed my laptop, which was laying at my feet, and placed it on my lap. I opened it and quickly went to Netflix. I chose to watch The Office and I slowly drifted into the world of Michael Scott.

Soon, I felt my stomach grumbling and decided it was time to get a snack. I slipped out of bed and winced when my feet hit the cold floor. Though I lived in Texas, where you could cook an egg on the burning concrete during the summer, it actually got surprisingly cool during the winter months.

I tugged on a pair of fuzzy socks and trudged downstairs to the kitchen. I opened the pantry and pulled out some tortilla chips, pouring them into a bowl. Then I opened the fridge and took out the guacamole and scooped some on the side. I grabbed a water bottle and proceeded to my room, but before I could reach my destination, I was intercepted by Zach.

"Hey Sammy, what's that you've got there?" Zach asked, eyeing my chips and guac.

"MY chips and guacamole, you greedy biotch," I replied.

Zach smirked at me and swiped a tortilla chip from right under my nose. He was so fast that I didn't even realize he had stolen one of my precious chips until it was halfway down his esophagus.

"You little-"

"Watch your mouth little sis you should respect your elders," Zach teased.

I rolled my eyes, turned around, and started heading up the stairs.

"Hey wait before you go I need to ask you something," Zach said, "has Alex come around yet?"

I scoffed.

"Nope, and he never will, so stop asking."

With that, I went to my room and shut the door, not wanting to talk to my older brother about my love life of all things.

"Stop denying the obvious, Sam!" Zach yelled from downstairs.

I rolled my eyes again.

I returned to my safe haven, aka my bed, and continued watching The Office.

Around 10, my phone started ringing. I got startled and jumped, the bowl of chips that were laying of my stomach erupting all over my comforter.

I picked up my phone and squinted at the bright screen, which felt like it was boring holes into my corneas. I was getting from Macy. Huh. Weird. I thought she was at Vincent's party, so why was she calling me?

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