wgm ep. 5

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The episode starts off with the last few minutes of the last episode— Yoongi and Risa are sitting quietly in the car until Yoongi leans forward suddenly.

"Where are we going?" He asks, which causes Risa to rise as well.

They both stare outside at the passing buildings. Captions appear on the screen; where are they going?

A camera in time-lapse shows the gray city turn into green fields as they leave the city. The car finally pulls up to a neighborhood.

"Is it a house? Like a newlywed house?" Risa asks, korean characters appearing at the bottom of the screen to translate everything she says. Yoongi shrugs in response.

They get out of the car and stand on the curb, a row of townhouses behind them. Risa's slightly shivering from the cold, whilst Yoongi's standing there, unaware and warm from the leather jacket Risa picked for him in the previous episode.

The next shot, Risa's wrapped in a blanket. It flashes to the interview room, where she's questioned about the blanket she had wrapped around her.

"I think Suga saw that I was a little cold so he asked the crew for a blanket to give me. I'm really thankful," she says in a bashful tone.

The video continues. They're given two sets of keys and they both enter the townhouse located at the corner excitedly.

"Woah," Risa says, immediately going into the fully furnished basement and doing a full turn to observe the surroundings.

Large windows let sunlight filter into the room, making it look less like a basement.

Yoongi, however, wasn't focused on the sofa that faced a television but rather, the wine cupboard, which was a full length plexiglass case that stood from floor to ceiling.

"How old are you?" Yoongi asks suddenly which causes Risa to laugh.

"I'm older than you by four months," she answers. Yoongi glances at her, a surprised look on his face.

He turns away from the wine and heads to the small doors at the wall beside the entry.

Upon opening one of them, he discovers a small vault and elevator buttons. Risa walks up behind him and glances at the small elevator as well.

"What's that?" She asks. Yoongi shrugs, instead focusing on the buttons. He presses one and the metal door slides open. He then presses the 'up' button and the door closes, a loud noise confirming that the box was going up.

Risa looks at Yoongi in amazement.

They proceed to go up the stairs and explore the first floor, which had a kitchen and living room. There was also a room that was supposed to be a bedroom, but it was empty. "I guess we can do whatever we want with this room," Risa says. Yoongi shrugs in response.

The second room had one master bedroom and another bedroom that was converted into an office. The rest of the room was taken up with a loft, a large sofa and loveseat placed at the center.

Yoongi was more interested in the small door that was beside the sofa. He opened it to reveal the small elevator.

"What's the point of that anyway?" Risa asks. "It's too small for any of us to fit inside. I guess it's to transport stuff," she reasons.

"Like wine," Yoongi adds, breaking into a grin.

The video cut to the couple sitting on the bare wooden floor of the empty room on the first floor. They were given a long toll of paper, scissors, and coloring utensils. The red card instructed them to draw out what they wanted to do with the room.

Risa immediately reached for the colored pencils and started to brainstorm.

"It'd be a waste not to put some mirrors on the wall and have it be a dance studio," Risa said. Yoongi looked at Risa with surprise.

"You dance?" He asks incredously. Risa smiles sheepishly.

"No. I'm extremely uncoordinated. But I always wanted to learn how to dance," Risa explains.

Yoongi glances at the blank paper where he drew lines for the walls and floor. "I also want a piano somewhere. A keyboard would be fine but since we're just drawing I'm going to draw a piano."

Risa nods, taking out the colored pencils and giving the crayons to Yoongi.

"Can I color the wall green?" Risa asks. "But not the ugly barf green— lime green."

"Okay..." Yoongi says, more focused on drawing the piano.

They continue drawing with music playing in the background. Once they were done, they cut the long paper off of the roll and held it up, using tape to tape it onto the wall.

"They're going to make us actually make the room into this aren't they," Risa says.

"Foreshadowing," Yoongi agrees.

The episode ends with that and the next episode's clip begins to play.

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