TEN ; coffee

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A/N: not chittaphon leechaiyapornkul


"Ri," Aoi called to me using my nickname. I look up from the magazine I was flipping through. I don't like automatically flipping to my interview or photo shoot as it makes me feel too self-centered so I usually just read through the magazine, regardless of how dry the content is. For this particular magazine, they somehow pushed my exclusive interview all the way to the back and I was getting annoyed. "Why don't you have any friends?"

Taken aback, I set down the magazine. "Are you suddenly not a friend?"

Aoi sighs, leaning back from her desk. "No. Besides me. You always get people's numbers but never contact them."

I shrug. "You know how awkward I am through text. I'm the opposite of most people." I stand up and stretch. "Why are you asking anyway?"

Aoi's gaze drifted back to her computer. "Please film Risa asking a fellow friend to film WGM with her. The next episode we're filming is Risa and Yoongi going on a double date," she recited as she read an email.

I look down at my screen, scrolling through the contacts.

"Can you just ask one of the celebs that gave you their phone number?" Aoi asks.

I nod. "Yeah. I'll ask a friend."

"Are you going to ask Rise?" She asks worriedly. For some reason, it sounded like she dreaded this conversation.

"Yeah. Is there something wrong with asking her?" I ask, confused.

"Uh, it's just that she's an idol and has a busy schedule. I just feel like it'd be rude," Aoi explained hurriedly.

My phone vibrates and I read the message. "Turns our she's not. She says she'd love to come with me to filming."

Aoi glances away, something in her eyes that I couldn't quite place.

It looked like she was anticipating something. And she wasn't happy about it.


"I have to ask somebody to come with me to filming?" I ask.

My manager nods. "Do you have anyone in mind?"

I respond with a shrug. "Who else is there but the members. Ask any of them, I don't really care."

My manager nods, probably expecting the answer as when I get up to prepare for the next filming of WGM, Hoseok is up as well.

Figures. He'd probably be the only one besides Namjoon who wouldn't be awkward around girls and Namjoon's... he's in no state to be around anything that reminds him of his past. He's especially sensitive this year for whatever reason. Or maybe he's just becoming more and more sensitive each year.

I slide into the service with Hoseok, who asks me how's it like to film WGM. I shrug.

"It's not like I'm taking this seriously. That was Jin's job. I'm just doing this because I have to."

"But you must have enjoyed some of it. I mean, you're a filming with Risa of all people. Japan's sweetheart and wow, did you see her style? I can only imagine how expensive her clothes are," Hoseok continues to ramble and it's no doubt that he's a fan of Risa.

I had never really thought of Risa as anything more than a work colleague and it was difficult to picture her as charismatic and chic.

"Do you at least know who Risa's taking along so I know who my date is gonna be?" Hoseok asks.

I shrug. Risa- as far as I know- doesn't have any friends in Korea. Wait... a thought hits me but I immediately shake it off. It wasn't possible.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I say.

We arrive at a cafe and since we arrived first, filmed an additional scene of ordering and then wondering who the mysterious friend Risa would bring would be.

The two arrive downstairs first, getting camera-ready there before making their way up, leaving no room for off-camera talks or introductions beforehand.

The door to the second-floor cafe opens and Risa comes in first. Hoseok, who's seated at the diagonal seat, leans back in anticipation.

And then... Rise comes through the door.

holy shit...

Rise meets my gaze and she gives me a shrug, like she didn't know what was happening or didn't know what she had gotten herself into.

Risa seemed oblivious as she sat right across from me and Rise had to take the only empty seat remaining— the one right next to me.

I was suddenly aware of my every movement and each breath I took.

My heart hammered in my chest as I tried to process what was going on. It was silent for a few seconds, everybody not knowing what to do and Risa just looking confused as the only one who didn't understand Korean.

Hoseok finally cleared his throat and began to talk. "Hi, Rise."

Rise manages a small smile and gives me a quick nod and a flash of emotion in her eyes, something only I could notice, before turning her head back to Hoseok.

This was going to be hard, sitting next to my girlfriend while pretending the one I was interested in was Risa instead of her.

I stop staring at Rise and focus on Risa who flashes me a smile.

Did she not know?

The coffees came and we began to talk, playing a few games to get to know each other better.

Yeah right. Like I don't know any of the people here.

During the conversations, I didn't say much I kept glancing at Rise and then to Risa.

I knew from Rise that she'd talked to Risa before but she never mentioned them being close enough to do each other favors such as clearing a whole entire schedule and accompanying them to a shoot.

Especially when that friend that came was your work colleague's girlfriend.

I glance at Risa, who was laughing at something Hoseok just said.

She really didn't know.

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