THIRTEEN ; obliged

442 5 2


Akamine Risa.

Two more shoots with you and then it will all be over. That's the only thing that made me go into the service without complaining.

I wonder what we're doing this time around. Nothing with scissors, that's for sure.


I jump and curse at the sudden noise. Hoseok grins from behind me. He climbs over the seat and settles into the seat next to me.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, shrugging off his hand.

He shrugs. "I'm accompanying you to Global WGM. For moral support." I give him a hard stare. He blinks innocently. "What? Don't think that this is for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Hoseok ignores me and looks out the window. I shake him. He sighs. "There's this person that I happened to bump into... I want to find out her identity."

I raise an eyebrow. "Her?"

"Block B," he replies. He rests his head on the window and closes his eyes, signaling that he wasn't going to say any more.

We arrive at our filming sight— the townhouse— half an hour later.

Hoseok automatically disappears. I spot him a few minutes later talking to a stylist. Is that who he found intriguing? But I saw his eyes darting around so maybe not.

The director comes up to me. "How are you?" He asks politely. I shrug in response.

"We were planning on focusing the last episodes on a wedding," he continued. "But that won't be happening."

After what had happened, the crew seemed a lot more wary. And cautious. I guess they felt guilty for what happened to Rise to have happened while filming for their show. Or maybe they're just scared of a lawsuit.

It was only hair, though. But it wasn't because of the damage done towards Rise, it was the fact that Risa would act like that. Rise had lost a good friend rather than a hairstyle.

A black van pulls up to the driveway while I was deep in thought. I see Hoseok watching the people who file out intently. He probably didn't find his "mystery" girl yet.

I turn back to the line of people streaming out of the vans. Speak of the devil.


"Hi Yoongi," I say brightly.

He snaps his gaze up towards me and I almost regret approaching him. But I don't. He's probably surprised; thought that I would spend the remainder of out time filming together with my head down. Well, he thought wrong.

I was done wallowing in guilt. All I did was cut off a few strands of Rise's hair. Big deal.

Yoongi lowers his head and ignores me.

Yeah, I expected that. I sit down next to him. "You know, I've realized that you're actually super smart. Nobody would have gotten that message that you painted me except for a select few. Too bad that I was part of that select few. Or good thing."

He doesn't reply but I know that he's either smirking or fighting the temptation to quirk up a side of his mouth.

"Um. We're ready for you guys," a staff member approaches us hesitantly.

She guides us to the room that we designed. I think that was the first time I realized I liked him. He had indirectly told me that by allowing me to put my arms around him. But it was all just a show to put on for the audience.

This episode, we would be putting the room we designed into use. Yoongi will be teaching me the choreography to DNA.

He was all serious when teaching me, no laughter or jokes like before.

And the director didn't say anything about it. I could feel the eyes looking at me. They thought I was evil. All I did was cut off somebody's hair and they thought that I was evil.

"And then, you have to use two fingers and tap three times down your forearm," Yoongi instructs, showing me.

I follow. "Finally some easy choreo." Yoongi doesn't react.

He continues to teach. "Uhm. I'm not sure how to do this one but you have to hold hands and do the... wave?"

I nod. "Yeah, I know. I've watched the choreo thousands of times. My manager is an army." Again, no reaction.

"Let's just, get this over with," Yoongi mumbles. He takes hold of my hand. I grin. He gives me a glare in return.

He continues to teach me the choreography. I purposely messed up a lot to drag on the time filming. At first, Yoongi had thought I was just really uncoordinated. He soon caught on that it wasn't the case.

But he couldn't do anything about it. Maybe everybody thought I was a bitch, but that didn't mean that the viewers thought that.

"Okay, now do you think you've got everything?" Yoongi asks as nicely as possible.

I smiled at him blankly. "I don't know. Do you think I am?"

Yoongi turns his back to the camera and stares at me for a good few seconds. I know he wants to say something to me. Probably not nice things.

"I think you've memorized the choreography a long time ago," he said through clenched teeth. He then smiled.

Yoongi turned and pressed a button on his phone. The whistling from DNA started to blast through the speakers.

He began to dance and I copied the movements. As I stared at myself in the mirror, I knew that I looked weird. Although all of my movements were precise, they looked awkward because of my height.

I thought of Rise, who was the main dancer of Wreath. She was shorter and has better control over her body. Another thing to be jealous about.

The song ends and we stand there for a moment. "It looks weird," I say.

I wasn't sure what I was referring to. Was I referring to myself? I stare at myself in the mirror. There was no doubt that I was attractive— my whole entire job is centered on how beautiful I was. But I hated it. I hated my height, my long limbs, and my uncoordinated body.

Yoongi, however, didn't catch onto that. He thought I was referencing the choreo. "Well, that's probably because the choreo was designed for seven people. Not two. And I only taught you my part."

I nod, adverting my gaze from the mirror. Those few seconds of vulnerability scared me.

"Okay, cut," the director says. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath. "That was painful to watch. But our editing team will do their magic."

He was mainly talking to Yoongi.

Once he leaves, I start talking to Yoongi again. He immediately tries to leave, but everybody was packing up. He can't leave.

"That was fun! I always wanted to learn the choreography to one of BTS' songs. Though, it would have been more fun if you were more enthusiastic.

Yoongi scoffs and doesn't reply to me. Instead, he glares. I smile because I know he doesn't like that. He thinks that he's scary. But I'm not scared of him.

He's obliged to be with me. There's no worry that he's going to leave or ignore me. That's for later. He knows that and he knows that I know that.

And I plan to take full advantage of that, even if it's only for one more shoot.

A/N: hmmm... could Hoseok's mysterious behavior be a reference to his future wgm story?

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