TWELVE ; kind

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I think the best way to describe me was livid. Rise said that she could practically see the steam coming out of my ears.

I told her that she should be mad too. She shook her head. She had no right to be angry.

She was too nice. No— she was too kind. You could be nice but at the same time be using somebody, and that didn't make you very kind.

Nice was an adjective to describe people like Risa. She was nice, but that didn't mean she was kind.

She was nice to me and— we all thought— Rise. Turns out, she wasn't very kind. Chopping off a good portion of Rise's hair wasn't done by somebody who was kind.

Stylists and hairdressers had cut Rise's hair so that it barely touched her neck and layered over the part that Risa had cut. Risa had cut off a lot of her hair, all the way to her roots. The hairstylist had looked at the patch in disbelief.

"I'm not sure if she had cut this, or pulled it. Probably both," he had muttered.

Rise's face had whitened to the extent that I thought she was either a ghost or going to faint.

She still had to film one more episode of WGM for the 'double date' but I protested strongly against that.

Why would she? Risa had made it clear she didn't want to see Rise anytime soon.

And I didn't want to see Risa either. But alas, nothing goes the way I want.

SM didn't want any scandals with Risa so she has to film that one episode of WGM and I still have to finish filming the rest of WGM to avoid speculation that something happened. Apparently, somebody snitched.

There's only two more episodes after this shoot anyways.

The end was coming and that meant no more Risa in my life.


I didn't have the audacity to contact Rise or Yoongi.

I wanted to apologize to them but I felt that Yoongi wouldn't accept my apology and I just felt too ashamed to say anything to Rise.

Aoi's been more quiet nowadays as well.

I feel like absolute shit with everything that has happened.

And Aoi ignoring me is just the icing on top of it all.

I get off from the service. Aoi scrambled out first and has disappeared from sight. All I did was accidentally cut off somebody's hair. Aoi's making it seem like I murdered someone.

Everybody has been making me feel like a small piece of dust.

Hoseok, Yoongi and Rise were all already there. They were laughing among themselves until they saw me.

I noticed Rise's hair. She had dyed it a chestnut brown and it was cut incredibly short. It suited her and judging from Yoongi's stares at her, he agreed with my opinion.

A wave of jealousy washed through me. I could never pull off the short hair look.

And then guilt. I would never have to pull off a short hair look unless somebody cut off a portion of my hair.

I sit at the empty seat next to Yoongi. He visibly scoots his chair a few inches away from mine, ignoring eye contact.

Hoseok, who was nice to me last time had his gaze away from me, focusing on something off-camera.

I sigh. Of course. It's not like Hoseok would pay any attention to me. No matter how nice he is, he's closer to Rise and Yoongi. He'd be on their side.

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