Jimin ~ When

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{ Jimin's Pov }

There is this girl I love but I bully her to get her attention, ridiculous right?
"be quiet guys! Here she comes," my friend V said as everyone settled down for the prank we were pulling.

*Splash* we could hear the goo splash and that was our signal to throw eggs at her, I saw her standing there obviously getting hurt by the eggs being thrown at her and I wanted to protect her but then she wouldn't notice me, I don't want what happened to the last girl to happen to me.

"Take that nerd!" I yelled as we all left the scene snickering.
I went to class but I couldn't find Y/N, it isn't like her to not come to class.
Class was boring without her, I would always annoy her or stare at her beauty.

"Guys! Come outside! Someone committed suicide!" He said grabbing everyone's attention as everyone followed him. (DON'T COMMIT SUICIDE OMG ITS SO HARD FOR ME TO WRITE ABOUT THIS)

I also followed him since I wanted to know what all the commotion was about, my world felt apart as to what I just saw. It was Y/N in her PE uniform since we had ruined her other uniform, she had blood all over her head and uniform, SH*T.

"Are you Jimin?" Someone asked me as they woke me up from my trance, "yeah, why?" I asked curious, "we found this note in her hands and I think it's for you," they said handing me the little note.

Dear Jimin,
I always loved you and I still do but I guess you don't feel the same way and I will get out of your way since I know I'm blocking you from finding your true happiness, at first I was happy when you started bullying me because you had noticed me but it became a regular thing and I love it when your happy and I know you will be happier when I leave so thank you Jimin, I truly hope you will live a good life.

From: just a nobody

Sh*t sh*t no no no, this isn't how it's supposed to end, she's supposed to confront me and I'm supposed to make her fall in love with me, why am I so stupid.

I'm not happy, not without you Y/N, I love you Y/N I always did, my heart has never changed and it will never change.

Just wait for me a little bit longer, I promise to become successful and make you proud and not flirt with any other girls, I'll be loyal even if you aren't here anymore, I'll be happy because each day is one step closer to meeting you again, wait for me Y/N.

When I meet you again, I promise to love you and show every little piece of my heart to you.

,,,,,,omg I think this is the one I put most of my thought in (just saying, I don't really use my brain writing these angst, I just think of it while typing) anyways ty for reading!❤️

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