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Clark ~ "Are you jealous?" You whisper-shouted at Clark, who you'd just had to pull away from society because he was being a jerk. "Jealous? Oh, come on, (Y/N), he was flirting with you!" He stated in response, causing you to roll your eyes.

Bruce ~ You'd been watching an assistant flirt with Bruce for the last ten minutes, and finally, he kicked her out. You were slumped in his chair, pouting. He rolled his eyes as he walked over. "I fired her. I know when you're jealous." You groaned and stood. "Why should I care if you fired her?" He walked over and pushed you back into the chair, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Because I know you."

Arthur ~ You'd been chatting with some guy, when you felt Arthur wrap his arms around your waist and growl at him. "Get away from her, you little bitch." You shook your head and waved at the guy, shoving Arthur off and walking away angrily. You hated when he did that.

Victor ~ He doesn't get jealous often. When he does, he's mature about it, and he just walks away.

Barry ~ You were sitting with Barry, arguing with him for once, and you asked him what was really bothering him. He crossed his arm and looked away angrily, before turning back to you. "Okay, you've just been spending a lot od time with Victor, and he's more attractive than me.." you silenced him with a kiss, before pulling away and pressing your forehead to his. "I love you, Barry."

Diana ~ This guy was talking to you, when suddenly you felt a pair of thin arms wrap around your waist and drag you off silently. After you were a good distance away, you were spun around to reveal a very jealous Diana. 

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