About you

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Hello readers I hope you like these one shots and I would like to tell you a couple of things before you start the story. This is all important so please read.
First the rules.

1.) I don't do any same gender pairings. I am just not comfortable with it so I'm sorry to all of you.

2.) I do take requests so if you have a request feel free to leave it in the comments or private message me. I will still write without requests but I may run out of idea and then the story would go on hiatus and all know we don't want that to happen.

3.) If you do request you have to be specific about it. I will explain that after the rules.

4.) I don't know about lemons cause I don't write that or have ever attempted it but I will give hints like and they for sure had a fun time that night ;-)

5.) And this is a important rule, please no fights in the comments because I get the notifications and plus if two people start then others might jump in and its a whole crowd of people fighting and my phone would explode from the notifications.
That should be all for the rules now here is the to request process.

1.) If you want to request you can leave it in the comments or message me privately so others don't have to see it. You can also tell me whether or not to credit you by putting your name. If you say don't credit I'll just say from a secret reader. But if I don't get a answer if you want to be credited or not I will credit you.

2.) You need to have a certain character in mind like reader X link or reader x link x Roy. If you don't give me a character I can't fulfill the request to your liking.

3.) I need scenarios, if you request and have the characters. please tell me what you want in the chapter. Do you want them picking flowers or something I have to know that. And for me there is no such thing as being too specific.

4.) No OCs I'm sorry but this is a READER X Ssb. I do not include OCs and the reason why is because I don't know about your OC or what they would do in a situation. With Super smash bros there is a lot of fighting so you can imagine I will be putting fight scenes but if your OC is that type of person to just sit back and watch I would write a Mr. Game and watch X reader one shot before I even think about that OC......no offense.

5.) I must know the outcome unless you want me to use my imagination. If so please tell me so I know and you can get your one shot for people to read.

6.) When it comes to requests I also need to know if you want Shy reader or shy character or whatever word you want that can be out in front like abused, silly, sad, scared. You can have that but you have to tell me and/or message me that cause if you want a shy reader and I give you a normal reader than it doesn't work. Or a jealous character and I give you a normal character than that also doesn't work.

These are some of the things to know for the requests. I love requests and would wait patiently for them but I will also write my own one shots.
Now before I go onto you I just have one more thing to say. There may be a time where I put in a inkling boy X Reader and the reason why is because I thought he would make it in smash. If you don't want to read it than you can just skip it but I am warning you ahead of time.
Now for you my lovely reader.

I have made a preset for you because it is quite hard to follow everything there is so I will tell you about your character.

You are a Kitsune and if you don't know what that is it is a half fox half human. But you are a kitsune deity. You are from the game the chronicles of the Kitsune. (I made it up so you won't have to think of a name.) Your game is a open world game where you were able to change your clothes, hairstyle and other things. Your goal in the game was to save the garden goddess from the death queen. You have a town you protect with the two other deities who's names are Leak the shark deity and Feral the falcon deity and you had to save the garden goddess by yourself. (By the way if you want pictures of them these are them. Just so you know how they look.)

(Feral the falcon deity)

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(Feral the falcon deity)

(Feral the falcon deity)

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(Leak the shark deity)

You have two Final smashes. One where you transform into a giant fox like giga browser and the other is when you hit someone and the two other deities come out and you three beat the living crap out of the opponent. You also have the ability to turn into a fox. You have fox ears and a tail in your regular form.

Your weapon is a staff but in the requests you can ask me to change it into something else like a sword or a gun or something. Anyway you have a staff in my one shots and the staff have to different form where you can use it to glide and fly. Here are the pictures.

 Here are the pictures

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(How it looks)

(This is how it looks when your able to fly and glide

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(This is how it looks when your able to fly and glide.)

You are also a fist fighter so you can use your fist and claws to fight.
The last thing about you is in a story where you are X someone your age changes. So when you are X Marth you are Marth's age. When you are X Ness you are Ness's age. You should imagine a chibi version of how you look for like Ness, Lucas, and the other small fighters.

Now the for your key:

(Y/n) = Your name
(H/l) = Hair length
(H/c) = Hair color
(E/c) = Eye color
(T/c) = Tail color
(F/c) = Fur color

That should be it. If you have any questions fill free to ask cause I have no problem answering any questions you give me. And I will be putting all the characters from all the smash games. Including Ice climbers, wolf, snake, pichu, and the others. I hope you enjoy these one shots and thanks for reading.

Ssb X Kitsune Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now