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"AW! Stop" I cried, she hit me,

"You are stupid and nasty; don't even talk to Matt, ever! » She said

"Yes I'm sure that I will not talk to a stupid girl like, like never ever"

"Yes never ever"

"Never ever, never ever, never ever, never ever, never ever, never ever, never ever...." They both kept repeating that again and again, I shut my ears with my hands and start running and crying, and suddenly all the place went dark and all I hear were their voices saying "never ever..." I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice, I kept crying and crying.

"Rose! Elisabeth! Rose! Wake up" I felt someone shaking me, I opened my eyes... it was the one and only ... Matt.

"don't worry I'm here, it was just a bad dream" and he hugged me, I was crying, "I'm so sorry Rose, I didn't mean to hurt you that much, I didn't want to end my friendship with you, but I was little and a jerk, I didn't even think about what I said, everyday seeing you sad in the playground broke my heart but I was afraid, afraid that you reject me. Then I saw one day the two girls came to you, and then you became friends, that's when I knew that my chances were over being your best friend again and the only way to be close to you is to be your enemy, but I don't hate you I never did, for me to quarrel with you was the last way to keep in touch with you, then we grow up you were with the other bunch of the popular and I was in mine, but believe me all I wanted is to be with you. I know it sounds crazy but it is the truth, I made a huge mistake that took my best and only friend away and I was crying all nights and didn't want my mom to know. Rose I'm so sorry, I know it is just words but I really mean it"

Woooooow... I felt more tears coming down, I missed him, and I really do. Must I believe him? Is he telling the truth? But he seemed that he was telling the truth, but must I forgive him? I don't know, he hurt me, but everyone deserve a second chance right?

"Can you sleep with me tonight? Like without doing anything just lay down next to me, I'm scared!" I finally spoke

"As you wish" he answered

I somehow felt safe when he was next to me, I really needed him; we were laying on my bed my head on his chest and his arm around me protecting me.

"Does it mean that you forgave me?" he asked

I sighed for a moment then said "Yes" and felt asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2017 ⏰

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