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I went directly to my room, bring my phone and called the girls, it rang twice then I heard "Hey Girl"

"H-H-Hey" my voice cracked,

"What happened Rosy?"

(Rosy is the nickname that Jess and Stace gave to me, they always call me that when I'm sad or they needs something. And my real name is Rose Elisabeth Gomes, yeah I know like Selena Gomez And no she isn't from my family ha-ha, I don't like it when someone call me with my entire name or with my middle name, my mom calls me with my entire name when she's mad at me and I usually know from her tone, that I am in trouble. And Matt calls me Elisabeth when we're fighting, he's such a jerk)

I told them what happened.

Matt's P.O.V

"TOGETHER? ALONE?" I and Rose shouted at the same time

"Yes", said Dad

We looked at each other for a moment before she ran out of the house; Mrs. Gomes and mom followed her a little then came back.

"She didn't stop or even looked at us" Said Mrs. Gomes

"She's probably heading home" answered dud

Then they all looked at me, I didn't say anything, and walked away to my room.

They weren't serious right? She hates me! Why were they planning something like this?

I know I hurt her many times, but that doesn't mean I hate her that much to run away.

Rose P.O.V

After talking to the girls, I turned the light off and sat on my bed thinking about how terrible my summer will be.

I heard the door open; I lay down quickly and turned my head and acted like I was sleeping. Footsteps were close to my bedroom door then it opened slowly, it was my parents I can tell.

"Bob, I think it is a bad idea. I have pity for her, you know their relationship" said my mom

"Don't worry honey, she will be okay, I'm sure she's strong. Besides we need time for ourselves too, I'm very fed up from all this stress" my dad said

"You're right" she answered then came a little closer to me covered me with my blanket and kissed me on the cheek. They lived the room.

I fell asleep thinking about what I've done. I felt guilty I admit and they sure have the right to entertain themselves.

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