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This is totally crazy! This is a room?! This is so big for a room.

I mean really?! A king size bed with a net canopy. The color of the walls are cream and pink.the headboard of my bed is a bookshelf that has my favorite books in it. At the left and right side of my bed are big windows but my mom said not to worry cause it's a one sided windows, I can see the hollywood sign folks!

At the left corner of the room beside the window is a door. I wonder...

When I opened it, it's a bathroom! With a pink and gold bathtub, and on the other corner is a shower box, when I opened it, it has a shower, of course, and below the shower there are buttons. Maybe those buttons will make the water hot or cold.

Then of course there's the toilet and a big heart shape mirror and the sink. It's a really big bathroom I promise.

Across the bathroom I saw another door. When I opened the door!

This is my closet!? I though this is a department store for pete's sake!

There's huge mirror and a cute round seat in the middle.

If you ever read the Princess Diaries... Well my bedroom looks exactly like hers but more of a modern style! Well, what can I say? I'm in L.A. baby!

Suddenly there's a loud....


"Aahhh! What the-?"

*sshhh shh... Madam your mom is calling you shh shhh*

Where does that voice came from?

Oh there it is!

"Come in!" I told the maids.

Then they opened the door slightly.

"Ma'am I'm sorry if I scared you but-"

"Why do you call me Madam and Ma'am...? Look I feel like a 40 year old lady when someone calls me that so I prefer my name, My name is Beverly, and you are?"

"I'm Maria, ma'am, I mean Beverly." The she smiled

I gave the smile back. "Nice to meet you, why is my mom calling me?" I asked her.

"I don't know Ma- I mean Beverly." Then she shrugged.

"Well I guess, it's for me to find out." I said as I walked towards the door.


"Oh there she is!" My mom said as she pointed me with a bright smile so I assumed I need to smile too for the guests.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs,

"Audrey, Kenneth and James this is my daughter Beverly, Beverly, this is Audrey," as she pointed to the lady who looks like in her late 40s then she smiled at me and I smiled back and nodded.

"This is Kenneth," as she pointed to a man who looks like he's in his early 50s then he smiled and I smiled back as well.

"And of course this is James," as she pointed to a boy who looks like his age and my age are the same. He got a the features that attracted me the most, his blue eyes that I think he got from the Kenneth guy that I assume he's his father and a thin pinkish lips that I think he got from the Audrey lady that I assume she's his mother. Well this is what I can say, they are a good looking family. I thought he would give me a smile like what his parents gave to me but instead he looked at me from head to toe and smirked!

And as what I can see he brings trouble and with a girl like me, we will never get along. So i just frowned and looked away.

"And they are our neighbours, the Conner Family." And I just nodded.

"It's almost late, did you already have dinner?" My mom looked at them.

"Well, we havent." Mrs. Conner replied with a sweet smile.

"Well, you're all welcome to have dinner with us!" My mom invited them.

"Well, that sounds good," Mr. Connor replied with a smile,

"Isn't it son?" Then he looked at James who still looking at me and still smirking! Oh just wait and see, James Conner, I'll rip your head off as soon as I know what's going on with your mind!

"Yeah totally." He finally stop smirking but still looking at me and smiled but I just frowned at him in return.

"Well then, I welcome you to my kitchen, everybody follow me." My mom said as she walked through our kitchen.

It looks like a fancy restaurant and hell, this is not a kitchen at all! Ha!

"Everyone take a sit!" My mom said as she took a sit in the front of the dining table then followed by me at her right.

Then Mrs. Conner took the sit at left side of my mom then followed by Mr. Conner, and wait a minute!

Then James took a sit beside me!! What the!


Cliff hanger I know! So what will happen on their dinner?

Hope you like this chapter though <3

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