Human . . .

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Edd's P.O.V

     I tried to help Tord up but it wasn't working, for some reason his iris was grey and the other eye actually had an eye. It was the color of fire and gave off a red glow. When I finally helped him up he hit me. I accidentally dropped him, his eyes changed back to normal and he whimpered in pain.

     I helped him up again and brought him to the couch. "Tord, is everything ok?" He nodded. "You sure?" He nodded again. I looked at Tord for a while and it looked like he was about say something, he mouthed out 'Can I get a paper' I got up and grabbed some paper, I also got a pencil because I knew he would need it.

     Tord took the paper and wrote something down. After a while he showed me what he wrote, he wrote *Edd is there ever a time that you need me?* "Of coarse Tord!" *It's easy for someone to say that to me, but its not easy to actually do it.* "Tord, you know I'm telling the truth!" *Well that's all I can do for now . . . believe.* "Tord." *It's true since I'm all helpless and useless there is nothing I can do but believe people of there words.* "Tord, I'm telling the truth!" *Sure.* "Tord, you have to believe me!" *Sorry . . . I'm tired of believing people.* "TORD!" *Well I mean if you want me to but Edd I just want you to know that I'm a human, like you so just know that things I do won't always be perfect and the way you want it to be.* I was silent after that I just looked at Tord in disbelief.

"I know." I said. *See you are starting to understand now. * I pulled Tord into another hug, I feel so bad for him and yet it seems like I'm trying to control him. I stood up "Tord if you want you can leave, you don't have to stay its your choice." *I'll stay . . . because you want me to stay.* "How do you know that?" *Because of your face, when you told me I could leave your face showed that you wanted me to stay.* "Hmm, ok then whatever you want!" I put my hand on Tord's head and ruffled up his hair.

     He looked cute, as always. I kept messing with his hair and he kept acting like a child. He showed an expression that he disliked it but I knew he actually liked it. The facial expressions he was showing was cute, he kept closing one eye to kind of hide the fact the he was angry. "Aww, you're just too cute." "Hmm!" "Hey, you made a noise!" "Mmhm." "That's good!" 

     Tord laid down on the couch  and placed his head on my lap, so I stopped messing with his hair. I looked down at him and into his eyes, they were a nice red well one of them the other one was gone. At times he looked evil but at times he just looked to cute to be evil. If you just look at his face he seems sweet but when you look at his whole body you'll be able to see everything he has been through.

     I kissed his forehead and smiled at him. Then he picked up the paper and showed me something he wrote *I'm not a kid, so don't treat me like one.* "Ok, fine but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop playing with your hair!" Tord looked up at me and stuck out his tongue. "Aww, cute!" "Hmm." He sounded grumpy so I just played with his hair for a while.

"Tord." "Hmm?" "I love you!" I looked at Tord to see his reaction. He wrote something on the paper and showed me *How much?* I thought for a while  and answered. "On a scale from one to ten I would say eight!" I looked down at him again and he wrote *Ok.* "Wait you aren't going to react in any way, no blushing no getting angry or happy?" "Mmhm." "Oh, so how do you feel about me?" 

     Tord sat up and grabbed my shoulders he leaned in and kissed my cheek. Then he backed away and wrote *On a scale from one to ten I would choose three, sorry.* "Hmm." *But that doesn't mean you have to stop loving me, who knows someday I could feel the same way also you could find someone better then me, there is always someone better than me!* "Tord don't think like that, think like Matt he always thinks he's the best out of everyone." *So you're telling me what to do again and you're telling me to be like Matt, also I hate it when I have to think I'm better than everyone because it's just thinking, meaning it's not the truth and the last time I thought I was better than everyone was when the robot incident happened and you know, let's not get into that.*

     I started to feel worse than I already did, I kept telling him what to do and I wasn't trying to. "Sorry." *No, it's ok I should be the one saying sorry.* I hugged him again and kept telling him everything's going to be alright but that didn't work, something was telling him everything wasn't ok, but what? Tord always looked calm, he always was calm, he doesn't show as much emotion as he did back then before the incident. Something was making him act like this. 

     He must have had something really bad happen to him, to cause him to act as if he was traumatized and hiding it. Tord had no emotion, at times he would show some emotion but it was slight and it looked like he was fighting to show it. I felt bad, I always did but there was nothing I could do to help. I wanted to but I couldn't, something in him was making him seem inhuman.

     Maybe when Tord wrote that he was human and that everything that he did wouldn't be perfect or the way I wanted it to be. Maybe he was trying to tell me something about him was inhuman and that I could possibly help. But I'm guessing the problem was that instead of him not being able to do certain things perfect and certain things the way other people wanted it was that he couldn't do anything perfect and anything the way other people wanted him to do it. He was different from others in a way he didn't like, when I looked into his eyes they told me three things, he hated this, he wanted help and he was sad and terrified.

     Tord wanted help but whatever was making him have no emotion was making him say no to the help I was trying to give him. He really wanted me to help but that other thing didn't. I hugged him tighter and stroked his hair. "Tord I want you to actually listen to me everything will and is ok, I will help and fix what is wrong you will be back to normal and you will have emotion again,the Tord that we all miss!" Tord lifted up the paper and showed me it *So now you're saying you don't like the way I am and that I was better back then, are you trying say that I have no emotion and that I'm not normal?* 

    I looked at Tord for a while, I knew what I had to do. He always got people caring for him and telling him everything is ok but I had to do the opposite to get him in an emotion, I had to make him dislike himself. Not himself but the thing that was causing this. "Yes Tord you are not normal and back then you were way better and you had emotions, I don't like the way that you are." I really hated saying this, I looked at Tord and his eye socket had a fiery color burning from it but the other eye had tears, the eye wasn't silver.

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