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You then rush down the stairs the blanket trailing behind you practicly flailing as you speed down the stairs. As you get closer you can see him better and tell that its really him. Then you trip and fall right into him, your hand reaching out to grab him and keep from falling but your hand ends unbuttoning his shirt. In the end he grabs you before you hit the ground and you fall into his bare muscler chest. You feel his warm body touching the side of your face you take your hand and put it up to his abs as you feel all the creaves of his abs as you push off of him and stand up trying to gather your balance, the whole time blushing like a Japanese school girl. You look up at him and thank him for cacthing you, as your cheeks start to turn back to their original colors. He asks you with a smile on his face what's your name as he buttons up his shirt. You answer with (Y/N).

A Sexy Christmas (Reader[male]×Santa)(lemon)Where stories live. Discover now