Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Before Teran, or any of them, could think of their opening move Jore was already swinging one of his arms at them. The Zeuti Guardians could see the small ripples flowing through the air away from the Hadi Lord’s sweep, the rippling was the only thing that allowed people to see the movements of biofeed giving it a near-invisible state. If it wasn’t for the waves in the air it would be completely unseeable. They prepared themselves for some sort of an impact, perhaps thinking it was a Biofeed Push, but instead the ground that lay before them shot out of the ground like a massive stalagmite and almost impaled Vlad and Karem. The two of them narrowly avoided the stone spike but the ground under all their feet shook and burst into the air like a pillar made of dirt. The Inquisitor was relentless in his attacks, he was not going to give them any mercy and no respite. Before they had gathered their wits Jore was preparing for another attack. Keimi watched as he spread his arms apart, extending them out to the side. The air around the Hadi’s hands started to ripple as a bonfire makes the space above it shimmer, then in less than a second, and before she could shout out a warning, Jore slapped his palms together with a loud clap. As he did the two side of empty space around their pillar pressurised and slammed together, catching the whole group of them in the middle. The force of the technique felt as though they were being slammed into a wall made of brick and steel, only to be hit with another wall of the same from the other side. It felt as though they would be crushed into dust. The rock pillar under their feet crumbled to rubble under their feet when the force of wind struck it, causing them all to fall and land in a heap on the ground.

Teran could hear sobbing and looked around, Klair and Gaia were holding their arms, legs, knees, shoulders, it seemed as though every part of their body was in pain. He couldn’t really blame them. Teran was rising to his feet, with the other Guardians rising about him, but Jore was on the movie again. This time he had his hand clenched into a fist and above and behind his head. They knew what was coming this time, Teran could almost visualise the enormous ghost fist forming in the swelling space next to Inquisitor Jore. The member of the Hadi’s The Ten threw his fist at them, causing the ghostly fist beside him to surge forward as well. The earth under the attack cracked and compressed into the ground, leaving a trail as the pressurised air moved towards them. Teran gathered up his own biofeed and shot up to his feet and pushed his hands in front of him, creating a wall of energy between them and Jore’s attack. In a flash Vrik and Karem added their own power to their defence, the almost invisible ability smashed against their wall and shattered it apart. It felt to them as though they were a sand castle on a beach being hit by a ten foot wave. The impact knocked the three of them back, but they protected everyone else.

Before any of them could do anything further Vladimir was on his feet. He dashed towards the Hadi Lord with his combat knife in hand. Vladimir had lost his gun in one of the attacks but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying to put his blade through Jore’s belly. The knife gave off a small humming sound as the Commander held down the top of the handle, at the base of the guard, turning the eleven inch jagged blade into a small, hand-held, chainsaw. The knife’s toothy, razor sharp, edge vibrated at almost five hundred cycles a second. The knife could cut through a ten foot thick piece of Marsonium steel in less than sixty seconds. It would be able to turn Jore’s gut into mince meat the moment it made contact. Vladimir howled as he prepared himself to thrust his weapons into his enemy. He was close, less than two metres away. He thought he had him, they all did for a moment. But Jore just snorted behind his mask as flicked his hand to the left and the brave soldier was picked up off his feet and went sailing through the air. He felt the shadowfeed crush his mismatched breastplate, both the front and back turned into weak and feeble tin cans against the force Jore had thrown at him. Vladimir hit one of the shredded tree stumps nearby, landing heavily against it. He felt a hotness spreading through his side and he heard Keimi gasp and call out his name, Teran and Vrik were yelling with her. When he glanced down he saw a thick piece of wood, almost like a wooden spike, jutting out of the right side of his own gut, just above his hip. The wood was glazed with bright red. He blinked at this a few times trying to comprehend what had happened, he was dazed and he lifted himself off the shredded trunk of the Kalorin Yew and stood up. Vladimir placed his hand against the hole the tree spine left in him and pulled his hand away as it became covered in warm, sticky blood. As his concussion wore off and the confusion faded, the pain started. Vlad fell to his knees and then dropped onto his side and clenched his teeth as he tried to put pressure on both sides of the wound.

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