Chapter 1: I already chose!

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Byron believed in being close with his Pokemon. So when the professor put Byron in an experiment to do with raising a starter without fighting, he was ready for it. He was presented with a Totodile, a Treecko and a Tepig.
"I want to have Totodile." Byron spoke out as Totodile looked up in amazement. Alan, Byron's rival since they were kids, he chose a Treecko.
"Byron chose first, and so I have the  advantage." Alan yelled. Byron looked down at Tepig, and thought, 'who would take Tepig? Would the professor find someone?'

A boy, about Byron and Alan's age burst in. He was late and looked upset.
"Sorry, professor, but can I have that Tepig?" The boy looked like he was about to cry. Totodile saw this and hugged him. Tepig bounded towards the boy.
"Hang on a minute, you're not a boy, are you?" Alan stated bluntly.
"No I'm not, I'm scared about this, I am Alisa, and I just want to become friends with Pokemon but I don't want to fight any of them." Alisa explained, as she sat down. When she sat down, she stroked Tepig, and just then it was like all three of them made a connection with their Pokemon. Byron just felt Totodile's... energy, like from the moment that happened, Byron and Totodile would be inseparable.

That was true, Totodile and Byron did everything together, sometimes they had to be careful, like when they were picking berries for medicine, they had to look out for wild Pokemon. Alan had already failed the experiment, but it wasn't his fault, a wild Pokemon appeared in front of him, so Treecko naturally fought it off. The professor understood, he said it was the bond and allowed them to stay together. Byron heard the news. Totodile looked upset and Byron immediately sat down beside Totodile and reassured him. Totodile looked at Byron and then they both felt a strange aura around them. They looked at each other. Byron had been told to go to the professor everyone had.

"Hello! Byron, Alan and Alisa, I have a proposition." The professor explained.
"What is it? As I have to be quick. Totodile needs his weekly bath so we are quickly going to the lake to get some water. His favourite!" Byron said in a rushed matter.
"Well, about your Pokemon, I need them back now!" The professor sighed.
"N-no! I... can't let you... I won't let you..." Byron fell to his knees gripping onto Totodile as tears started to form.
"Not Treecko, Professor, I refuse!" Alan yelled holding onto Treecko.
"But... Tepig's my friend... by the way you sound different professor, everything okay?" Alisa asked holding onto Tepig tightly. There was a muffled voice coming from the cupboard where the Professor left his paperwork. The cupboard door blasted open, as the tied up body of the Professor layed there. The fake took off the coat and revealed a suit, a suit with the letter 'G' in gold on the back.
"I want your Pokemon, I need your Pokemon for a perfect world, a Genesis world. I work for team Genesis, and we believe in a perfect world for Pokemon, where humans fully control them." The man yelled. "Go, Woobat, Nidoran and Beedrill" The man threw a Pokè ball and out revealed a grey blue bat, a purple rhino and a giant bee shaped creature.
"Treecko let's go!" Alan lept into action.
Treecko vs Woobat- battle begin
"Woobat use tackle!" The man commanded.
"Treecko... um..." Alan couldn't decide what to use and Woobat slammed into Treecko.
Byron stepped up to help, "Totodile use, scratch!" Totodile flew in and helped Treecko.
"Nidoran, horn attack!" The man ambushed Totodile.
"Tepig, tackle go!" It seemed the mans Pokemon were no match for starter Pokemon, except for Beedrill.
"Beedrill use Poison Sting!" The man made the bee shot needles into Treecko, Totodile and Tepig.
"Totodile, scratch go!" Byron yelled.
"Treecko, pound attack!" Alan bellowed.
"Tepig, tackle!" Alisa ordered. Despite feeling weak, the Pokemon slammed hard into Beedrill and it fainted.
"I will be back, for all of your Pokemon!" The man announced running out.

Everyone was celebrating, except for Byron, he looked in horror at Totodile. Totodile looked ill. Byron ran Totodile back to his house, placed him into his special bed and started caring for him. Totodile was hot, he had a high temperature.
"Alan, Alisa, Totodile's sick, please help." Byron pleaded.
"Okay, we need berries, me and Treecko know a great place to find berries." Alan declared as he and Treecko ran off.
"Me and Tepig can make sure the temperature stays in the safe areas." Alisa didn't really know what else to do.
Alan bumped into the professor and explained they needed a berry for poison.
"Pecha Berries, I'll go too." The professor stated. They saw a patch of Pecha Berries, but a group of Poochyena guarding the patch.
"The experiment, I can't fight them." Alan explained.
"That's okay, Tauros, go!" The professor sent out a light brown bull Pokemon and it didn't even need to fight the Poochyena, they ran before a move was made. The Pecha Berries were perfect and now they had to get back and make some potion. Alisa heard them coming back in, and decided to help make a potion. Byron's mum came back up and looked at Totodile. She shuddered.
"He isn't doing well, if they don't hurry with that potion, you may lose him." She sighed.
"Mum... I know that but... I... I can't lose him." Byron couldn't help but fall to his knees, he doubled over and started sobbing slowly, his mother hugged him as Totodile started crying as well. Just as it seemed as though Totodile was fading, the professor came in with the berries, Totodile took little bites, and the healthy glow that he once had, had returned. Byron couldn't help but hug Totodile and again that spark of connection hit but stronger.

Byron and Totodile had awoken and it was a special day, the three years of their experiment came to an end, which meant they could finally go on a journey. Excitement befilled both of them as they set off to the professors.
"Byron..." the professor started, then Alisa and Alan came in, "and Alan and Alisa! This is a big day, I can say that the experiment has proven that your pokemon are now more likely to evolve quicker, due to the experiment. So one last time, I offer you a choice. Byron, you can keep Totodile, or you can have a Charmander." The professor bartered.
"No question, Totodile, he is my friend, and you don't drop that for anything." Byron spoke from the heart.
"Alan, Treecko or Piplup?" The professor asked.
"Treecko." Alan stated bluntly.
"Alisa, Tepig or Chespin?" The professor asked for the last time.
"Tepig, she's been my friend since day one." Alisa explained.
"Marvellous, now you will need 5 of these, these are your Pokè balls, you can only have 6 Pokemon with you at a time, any others send them by PC to me and I will care for them. And here are some potions, becuase I am not cheap like other professors, I actually care about the safety of trainers, rather than a few extra pokè dollars." The professor gave them our items in special backpacks. Byron had blue with a red outline, he didn't understand what the red was for. Alan got a green backpack, and Alisa had a red and black side satchel. They all headed out together. But that lasted 5 seconds. Alan wanted to battle everyone. Alisa wanted to find a way of getting her Pokemon active without battling and Byron just thought about doing everything and anything at the same time.

It all came down to them. And Byron wanted to take on a gym first.
"Gingantis Town? A gym? Perfect let's go there!" Byron and Totodile headed out towards there journey.

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