Chapter 2: The First Pick

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Byron was eager to make a name for himself, the gym was the best way, so he decided to head back home and watch the news to check out what was happening.
"And that is badge no.5 for the travelling trainer, AJ, he has beaten all regions gyms apart from this one, but with his trusty team, there was never any doubt he would triumph again." The news reporter declared.
"That AJ, for a while he has been the most powerful trainer in this region!" Byron wrote down his name and the Pokemon he had used, he could only note three: Blastoise, Tyranitar and Machamp. Byron then realised he wanted his team to be like AJ, and to fight with flawless routines and effortless battles, he knew he could easily beat the league and then go on to become a champion.

Byron had decided to talk to his mum about his goal, so she decided to keep him there for one more night.
"So... you need tips?" Byron's mum asked.
"Tips? From you? I thought you weren't a trainer?" Byron was confused.
"Who else gave me these then? The Pokemon fairy?" Byron's mum presented the badges smugly.
"You?!" Byron gasped.
"Look, I started with a Charmander, it was a girl, I named her 'Charla' and we ended up losing to a guy, in Kanto, named AJ!" Byron's mum just mentioned the same name that's causing shockwaves in Lythantium.
"AJ? You mean..." Byron was stopped.
"The one that's in the Lythantium region, yes, we are good friends, and I once told him about you, when we started talking again, but we lost contact." Byron's mum explained.
"I... I want to beat him!" Byron declared.
"Good luck, you probably couldn't even beat me, and I left Charla to my friends kid." Byron's mum scoffed.
"You mean, you are technically eligible to compete in the league?" Byron asked.
"Exactly, I may need to get the band back together, seeing as AJ is back." Byron's mum decided, "as I don't need to require badges, I can spend my time getting my team back from the professor network and training." Byron's mum admitted.
"So... we may have to fight in the league?" Byron wondered.
"Yeah, so be prepared." Byron's mum warned. They ate the dinner and Totodile ate the best type of Pokemon food. When he awoke, Byron decided to look to see whether or not he could find any footage of his mums battles. 'AJ vs Sarah: Kanto league final battle' Byron read in his head. He placed the tape in the machine and studied the battle.

AJ vs Sarah: Kanto league final battle.
"This is exciting, the final battle, this has the dominating AJ taking on the underdog Sarah." The announcer declared.
"This will be exciting, go, Machamp!" AJ threw the four armed wreslter style Pokemon.
"Go, Exeggutor!" Sarah threw out the tree with three heads Pokemon.
"Machamp, use fire punch!" AJ instantly didn't let a type disadvantage stop him as Machamp hit Exeggutor with a powerful fire punch, it really weakened Exeggutor.
"Exeggutor use psyshock!" Sarah had allowed AJ to seize an opportunity.
"Machamp, dodge then finish with fire punch." AJ had finished off Exeggutor with two fire punches.
"Thank you Exeggutor, go Ampharos!" Sarah threw out the yellow Kangaroo like Pokemon.
"Easy, Machamp, use brick break!" AJ had a simple plan. The Machamp couldn't hit Ampharos though.
"Ampharos, iron tail!" Ampharos slammed it's tail into Machamp, dealing moderate damage.
"Machamp, fight back with ice punch!" Machamp laid a swift punch to Ampharos, freezing the legs of Ampharos.
"Ampharos, thunderbolt!" Sarah was in a bind and used a special attack, rather than doing nothing at all.
"Absorb it with thunder punch! Then finish with ice punch!" Machamp took the thunderbolt with it's fist, then hit an ice punch, Ampharos was frozen and it fainted.
"Ampharos cannot battle." The referee admitted.
"Thank you, Ampharos, now go, Aggron!" Sarah threw out the living epitemy of a dinosaur today. "Use, iron head, repeatedly." Sarah used this to ultimately drain Machamp's health, before finishing it completely.
"Machamp was great, but so is Blastoise!" AJ may have ended it with this choice. "Use water pulse." AJ calmly ordered as one powerful water pulse fainted Aggron.
"Chandelure, you're up!" Sarah had no choice. "Will-o-wisp!" Sarah thought of burning Blastoise.
"Use hydro pump!" AJ only needed one shot to faint a fire type.
"No, Chandelure. Go Charla!" Sarah sent out her prized Charizard, it had a fire style necklace, with a stone in the middle. "Charizard, mega evolve!" Byron was watching and his mouth opened wide, he had never seen anything like this. "Charizard use blast burn!" Sarah had a final strike.
"Not so fast, Blastoise mega evolve, then use Hydro Pump!" AJ's Blastoise changed as well and then with a poweful Hydro Pump, it was over. Charla and Blastoise returned to normal.

Byron was shocked, AJ was powerful, and Byron was worried about facing him.
"So... I need other Pokemon definitely!" Byron decided.
"Byron? You saw it then, why I need to win this league?" Sarah asked.
"I didn't... I didn't think he was that good." Byron explained.
"Well, it's good news I got my original gang back together, want to battle?" Sarah offered.
"Totodile, versus one of your Pokemon, no thanks, I need to find more Pokemon anyway." And just like that Byron set off to find a new Pokemon.

Byron had spent a while on route 765, trying to find a brand new Pokemon. When he stumbled across a Wurmple.
"This is my time, Totodile go!" Byron leapt into action.
The wurmple instantly ran. Byron felt gutted, his first chance and he let one run away. Byron sat down, suddenly he was amnushed by a very fridndly Yanma, it started bumping into Byron, and not even running away from him when he stood up, it seemed drawn to him, but he could tell Yanma wanted to battle to be caught.

Totodile vs Yanma- wild battle.
"Totodile, scratch go!" Totodile hit Yanma with a powerful scratch.
Yanma retaliated with a punishing quick attack.
"Totodile, easy! Get your balance then try for a water gun!" Byron wanted a new move. Totodile couldn't quite hit the water gun, as he sprayed it everywhere, but it did weaken Yanma.
"This is my time, go Pokè ball!" Byron threw the ball and it rocked backwards and forwards until it was caught. "I did it! My first captured Pokemon, a Yanma! Awesome, we need to train for the gym, hopefully we will be ready soon." Byron declared as the dragonfly Pokemon, Yanma came out of the Pokè ball. Byron knew he waa near enough ready to challenge his first gym.

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