Chapter 4: A Battle And An Exploration

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Alan had trained his Pokemon to the bone. He was getting them to block each others attacks.
"Look who decided to turn up." Alan yelled at Byron.
"Look who decided to feed their Pokemon for once." Byron mocked.
"Mankey, Go! We will beat you then move on to the next battle." Alan declared.
"Yanma, let's win together. We will beat you then move on to battle no.3!" Byron announced.
"This is your second battle? Pah, Mankey use karate chop!" Alan boasted.
"Yanma, dodge then use agility!" Byron had a plan that he always used, he decided to build up speed, to then flawlessly hit moves repeatedly.
"Mankey, karate chop." Alan yelled.
"Yanma, dodge, then use U-Turn!" Byron's Yanma dodged effortlessly, before hitting a huge U-Turn, Yanma then returned to Byron.
"Mankey, prepare your special move!" Alan almost saw this coming.
"Totodile, scratch go!" Byron sent out Totodile quickly and Totodile interrupted Mankey's focus.
"Mankey! Stop slugging, use karate chop again!" Alan started acting extreme.
"Totodile, water gun to the sky!" Byron declared as Totodile shot up into the sky, but was hit by Mankey.
"Oh yeah, hold on..." Alan boasted too soon, as a huge sweep of rain poured down on the battlefield, making the field wet and slippery. "Mankey, find your footing, then prepare your special move!" Alan proclaimed as Mankey started to charge electrical energy.
"Perfect, Totodile, water gun on the feet of Mankey!" Byron made it so the water would conduct the electrical energy, which was sapping Mankey's power.
"Mankey, stop being pathetic, hit it with thunderbolt!" Alan ordered as Mankey unleashed the energy.
"Totodile, come back!" Byron sent Totodile back, not exactly cheating, but ruoning the spirit of the fight. "Yanma, rise and shine!" Yanma shot out and was ready.
"Mankey, karate chop!" Alan proclaimed again.
"Yanma, air slash!" Byron went for the finishing move, but Mankey blocked it, then delivered a painful shot to Yanma.
"Ha-ha! See, as always, your team with your 'friendly' demeanour and 'selfless' attitude do nothing to your Pokemon but make them weak. Mankey, Thunderbolt!" Alan seemed to have Yanma beaten.
"Hey, give your friend a break." A voice boomed at Alan, as a boy walked towards them.
"Who are you? Match is over by the way, I win!" Alan was making himself known multiple times.
"Someone who could beat you, even with a type disadvantage." The boy smirked.
"Really? You think you could beat my Mankey and Treecko?" Alan asked in pure disbelief.
"I know so, let's battle and then maybe you'll be nicer to your friend and his Pokemon, calling them pathetic, how poetic." The boy said.
"Well, I choose Mankey, one on one fight, easy!" Alan declared.
"Pory, you're up!" The boy released the Porygon named Pory.
"Mankey, karate chop." Alan went for an instant win.
"Pory, dodge then use lock-on!" The boy made it so Pory had a perfect shot no matter what.
"Mankey, use thunderbolt!" Alan proclaimed.
"Pory, use the thunderbolt to increase zap cannon!" The boy has the match won.
'He can beat Alan? He also has such a powerful Pokemon in Pory, I need to watch out for him.' Byron's mind was allowed to wonder, as the zap cannon hit Mankey, sending it flying into the wall.
"Mankey, you're pathetic, how could you faint from one move?" Alan was mesmerized.
"It's because he is clearly hungry, same as Pory, we need to eat." The boy declared.
"How do you know that?" Byron asked.
"I seem to understand Pokemon, but I don't think we've been introduced, Sampson, new trainer on the block." Sampson declared.
"Well, I'm Byron, and I could eat, I know Totodile and Yanma need to." Byron shook Sampson's hand.
"So... spaghetti? I know Pory and Ty like my organic Pokè block." Sampson declared ordering his food and giving his Pokemon his special Pokè block.
"Organic? My recipe has sugar in it." Byron said skimming through the menu.
"Sugar affects Ty and Pory, Ty gets indigestion and Pory gets hyper. Oh how rude of me, this is Ty, my Larvitar, we are going to work together to take on the gyms, leagues and the elite four." Sampson had big dreams as he fed Ty the Pokè block.
"Same here. But this is Totodile and Yanma, and we are going to conquer the Lythantium region." Byron admitted.
"Look, why stump your ambition? I know you can do better, and I know exactly how." Sampson took out a notebook and showed Byron a page.
"Stufful? What does that have to do with this?" Byron asked studying the page.
"It has some insane stats. Look, it can learn ice punch, which is great for one of it's weaknesses, of flying." Sampson revealed it's evolved form of Bewear.
"Bewear, I've heard of that Pokemon, it's tough, my Pokemon wouldn't stand a chance." Byron doubted himself as a shadow rose over him quickly.
"Stop doubting yourself, Stufful live on Lohoti Mountain, that's where you will find them." Sampson pointed at the mountain.
"Lohoti Mountain, seems like a tricky place to manouver, but if this Stufful is as powerful as you say..." Byron started thinking.
"Trust me, it's small and mediocre at first, but when it evolves, it's incredibly powerful." Sampson looked at his notes intuitively.
"Alan... where are you going?" Byron looked up and saw Alan leaving.
"I need to be alone, collect badges, raising up my team, finding more." Alan left the scene quickly.

Byron and Sampson had decided to team up and trek to the point of Lohoti Mountain, home of Stufful and Bewear. Byron was worried, he was worried about fatigue. He was worried about his Pokemon not being able to catch Stufful. And he was worried about his self doubt. As they climbed Byron noticed some interesting Pokemon, like Geodude and even some rarer Pokemon like Sandslash. Then as they got higher and into the snowy area, they noticed Snorunts and even some Sneasel.
"Don't become distracted, we must find a Stufful, they like to hide in Mountain Caverns." Sampson spotted a cavern and immediately started to enter the cavern.
"This seems a bit mean, I mean, we might be taking a baby away from its family." Byron felt torn between acquiring a new ally or leaving them in peace.
"What's that sound?" Sampson seemed confused as he heard the sounds of Bewear and Stufful in trouble.
"Electabuzz, don't let them escape!" Commanded a hunter who had trapped Stufful and Bewear into a cage.
"Stop! Why are you doing this?" Sampson asked.
"Have you seen them in battle? These powerhouses could sell for millions!" The hunter proclaimed.
"That's not right! Pokemon like them should be loved and cared for, rather than being used for cheap labour and being weapons, Ty, go!" Sampson declared as his Larvitar appeared.
"A Larvitar, interesting, very powerful later, fine we'll battle, but if you lose, I take your precious Ty. Electabuzz, light screen!" The hunter immediately set up a light screen.
"Byron, try and rescue the Stufful and Bewear, I will fight the hunter." Sampson ordered.
Hunter vs Sampson- begin.
"Ty, use screech!" Sampson began as Ty weakened Electabuzz.
"Electabuzz, thunder punch!" The hunter attacked but the shot didn't effect Ty.
"Ty huh, that shot felt good didn't it, now use rock slide!" Sampson ordered as a barrage of rocks hit Electabuzz.
"Electabuzz, use quick attack!" The hunter ordered as the attack didn't do a lot.
"Ty, feel something? Use crunch, then rock throw!" Sampson declared as Ty hit the crunch then a powerful rock throw.

Meanwhile, Byron noticed a Stufful that wasn't captured.
"Are you okay?" Byron asked quietly. Stufful nodded and looked at the cage. Stufful started headbutting the cage, trying to break it free.
"If the Bewear are that strong, they can help Totodile and Yanma break the cage, Totodile use scratch, Yanma use air slash, Bewear's and Stufful's use anything you can use." Byron was desperate. Totodile weakened the cage, Yanma really weakened it then the Stufful in the outside used ice punch to freeze the bar, weakening it considerably, before a powerful hammer arm from a Bewear broke the cage. But the hunter spotted it.

"You foolish child, unfortunately this means I can't take your Larvitar, but me and Electabuzz are going to put those Bewears back into the cage." The Hunter prepared a powerful thunder punch aimed for the Stufful that helped Byron.
"Stufful!" Byron yelled as the thunder punch swung it's way towards Stufful, Byron got in the way and got hit pretty bad. Suddenly the Stufful used Ice Punch to freeze the hand of Electabuzz. Then the Bewear hit Electabuzz with a relentless barrage of hammer arms.
"Fine... You win this time, but I will get rich! You just watch me!" The Hunter ran off and Byron and Sampson celebrated.
"You did great, Stufful!" Byron declared bringing the life back into his limbs. The Stufful walked up and sat next to Stufful. As soon as Byron got up and moved, Stufful followed.
"Wow, Byron, it seems Stufful is following you. It's mother may not like that." Sampson saw the mother of the Stufful, Sampson could sense the Bewear was letting Stufful go out into the wide world with Byron.
"So... Stufful, would you like to join me?" Byron held out a Pokè ball, Stufful nudged the button and went into the ball, Byron now had a Stufful to add to his team.

Byron and Sampson had gone down the nountain once more, and Sampson had a question.
"I guess... I need someone to go on my journey with, could we potentially go together?" Sampson asked.
"Yeah, sure after Alan's... outburst, I need a friend, welcome on board Sampson." Byron replied.
"Well the next stop is Viastrick City, home of the next gym, we should go there." Sampson revealed as he and Byron set up tents and slept ready for the next city and a new adventure.

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