Chapter 5: Grandale Forest

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Byron and Sampson had now successfully thwarted the hunter from catching all of those Stufful and Bewear for profitable gain, and Byron gained a powerful ally in Stufful. Sampson had plotted the route to Viastrick City, but they had to prepare.
"The gym is in Viastrick City, but we must pass Grandale Forest. Be sure to stock up on potions and antidotes, this place is home to many kinds of grass, bug and even poison Pokemon." Sampson continued to read his book as he ordered his items.
"This seems like a very dangerous forest. What can I get with... 10,000 Pokè dollars?" Byron asked as the cashier nearly fainted.
"You can get 50 antidotes and 16 potions, but I would recommend less antidotes, same amount of potions and some Pokè balls, and because you've bulk buyed, I'll throw in 1 great ball for every 5 pokè balls purchased." The cashier proclaimed.
"I'll get... 5 antidotes, 5 potions and 10 pokè balls please." Byron ordered.
"Certainly, here is your order and two great balls, pleasure doing business with you." The cashier smiled.

Byron gave Sampson a great ball and they headed out into the forest. When they entered they were hit with layers of vast green trees and grass and warm inviting bkue sky. They noticed pinks and blues on flowers and berries of all shapes and sizes. Byron even spotted a very rare berry, it was black and white and had a sort of question mark pattern on the berry.
"Byron... you found an enigma berry! This only grows when a rare Pokemon is around... Darkrai, legendary Pokemon found on full moon island, it is known for putting people and Pokemon in dreams and locking them into nightmares." Sampson declared.
"How do you know all of this stuff?" Byron asked.
"I am a man who likes secrecy, but you see, my family are explorers, of anything strong or mythical. They made me go on a journey when I was ready, and ever since then I guess I don't speak about or to them." Sampson admitted.
"Oh, sorry Sampson, I guess we should plan on heading towards civilisation." Byron announced.

They walked slowly, until they spotted a massive spiders web.
"A web?" Byron was curious. He stood back and suddenly a swarm of Spinarak crawled onto the web.
"Spinarak, cool, go Pory!" Sampson sent out Porygon.
"They aren't spiders, they have 6 legs! They're insects!" Byron explained as he observed the battle.
Porygon vs Spinarak- wild battle
"Pory, use tackle!" Sampson declared as the Porygon slammed into Spinarak. The Spinarak hit a string shot, but Pory broke free.
"Pory, tackle, then I'll throw a Pokè ball." Sampson waited until Pory had hit Spinarak then threw the ball, the Spinarak was caught.

"I did it!" Sampson declared, but then noticed something strange about his Spinarak.
"It's a different colour. I've had a lot of people say that about my Totodile, but I just thought they hadn't seen a Totodile before." Byron explained.
"It means they are shiny, rare different coloured Pokemon, this is insane!" Sampson declared.

Byron and Sampson walked further into the forest, more green encroached into the forest. They noticed more and more wild Pokemon, Byron tried to catch a few Shroomish and even some rarer Pokemon like Heracross and Beedrill. Byron was desperate and looked for a Pokemon that he could actually catch, he had used his great ball trying to catch a Pinsir. But then in the corner of his eye, he saw a tree move only slightly, but it was like a hand moving then disappearing.
"Sampson... did you see that hand?" Byron asked examining the tree.
"You're delirious, Byron, there are no ghosts or paranormal entities here." Sampson saw the tree and jumped out of his skin.
"Are... you okay?" Byron stared at Sampson, he was shivering and he had gone pale.
"There..." Sampson couldn't finish his sentence out of pure fear. As the trees grew faces and started to move.
"What are these?" Byron marvelled at the sight he saw, moving trees.
"There... Trevenant, and the small ones are Phantump." Sampson stood there, rooted to the spot.
"I've got this, Yanma, help our friend out." Byron threw out Yanma. Yanma hit a powerful air slash to a Trevenant, but a Phantump blocked the shot. Phantump shouted at Yanma and Byron.
"We need to go to Viastrick City to battle the gym leader." Byron explained.
"And to collect these Trevenant for bark is my plan." A man yelled trapping the Trevenant and Phantump in nets.
"Leave them alone." Sampson yelled, but he couldn't move, his doubt and fear was too much.
"Who are you?" Byron asked preparing to battle.
"The name is General Aldeus Linden, just call me Linden and I work for team Genesis, you see. These here fine Trevenant are perfect for our perfect world we are destined to find." Linden declared.
"Leave them alone, they live here, and this is there home." Byron declared.
"Byron, you made this point, or something similar against the Hunter. Just fight him." Sampson announced.

Linden vs Byron- Pokemon battle
"Go, my precious Venonat." Linden threw out Venonat.
"Yanma, let's go!" Byron let Yanma fly free.
"Venonat, use headbutt." Linden ordered his Venonat to slam into Yanma. Yanma flew into a tree and dented the tree.
"Yanma, Agility! Then use air slash." Byron declared.
"You know what to do Venonat, use stun spore!" Linden made Venonat wait until Yanma was close before releasing a powerful stun spore paralysing Yanma.
"Yanma, spin to get the spores off of you." Byron had a small chance of a good plan.
"Venonat use headbutt!" Linden yelled going red in the face.
"Yanma use this headbutt to gain momentum then use u-turn!" Byron strategised as Venonat crashed into Yanma, who used the force to hit a powerful u-turn, sending Yanma back to Byron. "Stufful, go!" It was turn of Stufful.
"No matter, Venonat use sludge bomb!" Linden had a special move prepared.
"Stufful, use ice punch to freeze the sludge, then send it back with tackle!" Byron was thinking well, as the ice punch froze the sludge and then the tackle threw a block of ice back to Venonat causing it to faint.
"Damn, Venonat! You brat! I bet my Golbat could beat you!" Linden threw out Golbat, "now use air cutter!" Linden told Golbat to slice into Stufful, weakening it considerably.
"Stufful, concentrate, follow Golbat's movements then use Ice Punch at the moment you decide." There was pause in the battle as Linden nor Byron made a move. Then Stufful hit a powerful Ice Punch.
"Golbat! Right come back. I stole this off of some kid, Rapidash go!" The stolen Rapidash looked strong.
"Change of strategy, use hammer arm!" Byron tried to hit a powerful hammer arm, but couldn't get a hit.
"See, it's powerful, use flame wheel!" Linden ordered as the Rapidash smashed into Stufful. Stufful looked really weak as Linden prepared for a second flame wheel.
"Stufful, dodge then use Ice Punch on a leg of Rapidash before smashing the ice with Hammer Arm." Stufful listened to Byron's every word. Stufful dodged, before waiting and hitting an Ice Punch on the leg of Rapidash, freezing on contact, before breaking the ice and potentially the leg of Rapidash.
"Rapidash, use stomp!" Linden got Rapidash to hit a deadly stomp, fainting Stufful.
"Stufful, you were great! Totodile, let's go!" Byron yelled.
"Type advantage smart. Also, did I hear you a while ago? About that being a shiny Totodile? It's not. Rapidash, use stomp again." Linden told as Rapidash went for a stomp.
"Totodile, dodge, then use water gun." Byron commanded. Totodile dodged the stomp and hit a powerful water gun, weakening Rapidash.
"Rapidash, you're useless. Get out!" Linden put Rapidash into it's Pokèball and then threw it into the river. He released the Phantump and Trevenant, but threw one into the river also.
"Byron! The Pokèmon!" Sampson declared. Byron ran and jumped into the river. He grabbed the Pokèball, then tried ruthlessly to save Phantump, he knew he had to act fast or else Phantump would drown. Byron flew out of the water and caught Phantump, throwing it onto the ground beside the river. Byron jumped out and was greeted by Phantump.
"Byron... it seems Phantump wants to join you." Sampson explained.
"I guess..." Byron was stopped by a man walking around.
"Excuse me, have you seen my son's Rapidash?" The man yelled.
"It's right here sir. Team Genesis took it, we apologise for any distress." Byron announced.
"Don't worry. It wasn't you guys." The man admittes walking away. It seemes Phantump had found one of Byron's Pokèballs and placed itself into it.
"I guess that shows energy!" Sampson joked.

Byron had seen the sign saying Viastrick City. He and Sampson were ready for the gym ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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