Chapter 3: Gigantis' Small Power

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Byron had two Pokemon with him now, Totodile and Yanma, and so he believed he was ready to enter Gigantis Town. The feeling of power didn't hit Byron, in fact he didn't even see any powerful trainers or Pokemon, just baby Pokemon. Byron looked so confused and asked a random person about this.
"Excuse me, where is the gym leader?" Byron asked a person with a Happiny, a Cleffa and a Togepi.
"You are looking at the gym leader, Plaine, at your service, let me take you to the gym." Plaine took Byron to a giant building that looked like a bouncy castle.
"This, this is your gym?" Byron looked astonished.
"I built this hoping my Pokemon will be happy and evolve, but they got bored after a long time, but it is a cool design that will test your Pokemon's ability to find their balance." Plaine explained.
"Well then, even on a bouncy floor, I challenge you to a gym battle!" Byron wasn't waiting around.
"You are quite blunt, I like that, I had a boy in here just yesterday, had a Treecko and Mankey, obviously he had the type advantage, he beat with ease." Plaine declared.
"Much like Alan, my best friend, I will win!" Byron yelled.
"Okay, let's go!" Plaine said bringing in a referee.

Byron vs Plaine- gym battle.
"Begin!" The referee announced.
"Togepi, go!" Plaine revealed a Pokemon still trapped in an egg.
"Yanma, let's go!" Byron yelled as the dragonfly Pokemon came out with a lively attitude.
"Togepi, use Metronome!" Plaine had a simple plan, let Togepi decide with Metronome, this turned into a protect attack.
"Yanma, don't attack, use agility instead." Byron wanted the speed advantage.
"Okay, Togepi use pound!" Plaine wanted a hit, but a swift dodge left Togepi vulnerable.
"Yanma, hit with U-Turn!" Yanma slammed viciously into Togepi, then returned to the Pokè ball. Totodile came out instead.
"Togepi, Metronome!" Plaine ordered as Togepi suddenly tried to hit a razor leaf.
"Totodile, scratch it away, then continue to use scratch!" Totodile scratched the leaves, then hit Togepi with tremedous force.
"Togepi, Metronome!" Plaine started sounding like a broken record, until the words of balance came into full effext when an earthquake hit the gym, Togepi was perfectly fine, bobbing from side to side, whereas Totodile flew up and hit the ceiling.
"Totodile!" Byron ran out as it looked as though Totodile was hurt, he caught Totodile in his arms, Totodile had fainted, "I'm sorry, Totodile, I will avenge you. Yanma, aggression, go!" Byron started to feel rage. "Use, air slash... relentlessly!" Yanma kept slicing into Togepi, until Togepi couldn't get up.
"Togepi is unable to battle, Yanma wins!" The ref said stiffly.
"Totodile? You're okay? He didn't faint! I use Totodile, get your revenge!" Byron swapped them out.
"Go, Happiny!" Plaine revealed.
"Totodile... concentrate, water gun!" Byron closed his eyes at the same time as Totodile and they both opened them at the same time, suddenly Totodile fired the stream of water that hit the Happiny. Happiny survived barely.
"Happiny, use pound!" Plained started to feel angered. Happiny flew at Totodile and attacked Totodile with aggression.
"Totodile..." Byron yelled and all of a sudden Totodile stood up and shared the same stance as Byron. "Water gun, go!" Totodile felt Byron's energy and used it as it's own, drenching Happiny in water.
"Happiny, use that water and bring it back, water pulse!" Plaine was trying to teach Happiny a new move, but it didn't work and Happiny fainted.
"Happiny cannot battle." The ref declared.
"Well then, I guess you could fight my secret Pokemon, if you want?" Plaine asked.
"I wouldn't want anything better, I want a challenge." Byron replied with energy.
"Okay, Vigoroth, go!" The white Baboon like Pokemon bounded into the arena.
"Totodile, use scratch!" Byron prepared to fight this tough Pokemon, but the scratches did nothing.
"Vigoroth, use slash!" Plaine told Vigoroth as the Pokemon sliced into Totodile, Byron feeling the effect as well.
"Totodile, water gun to the eyes!" Byron had a sneaky tactic, Totodile would temporarily blind Vigoroth before hitting a scratch attack, weakening Vigoroth.
"Vigoroth, use rock tomb!" Plaine had a final shot, but Totodile had a sudden plan.
"Water gun them back to Vigoroth." Byron had a slick plan of playing baseball in a way, hitting the rocks away and they were about to hit Vigoroth.
"Slash them into the ground!" Plaine got Vigoroth to smash these into the ground.
"Totodile, scratch." Byron allowed Totodile to charge towards Vigoroth.
"Vigoroth, aerial ace!" Plaine had a move who outsped Totodile and slammed harshly into Totodile.
"Totodile!" Byron felt weak.
"Totodile is unable to battle." The ref cheered.
"Yanma, Agility!" Byron sent it out and it had extra speed.
"Vigoroth slash!" Plaine couldn't get Vigoroth to hit slash.
"Air slash, then quick attack, then air slash again, fast air combo!" Byron seemed to have created a brilliant combo, the air slash hit powerfully, then a fast and loose quick attack, then a second powerful air slash. Vigoroth could barely stand, but one mkve would probably end it on either side.
"Slash!" Plaine said running out of voice.
"Fast air combo!" Byron felt like his heart had dropped. Yanma had the speed so the fast air combo hit Vigoroth and Vigoroth fainted.
"Vigoroth is unable to battle, Byron wins the gym battle!" The ref declared crying inside.
"Here's the Origin Badge, congratulations Byron!" Plaine presented Byron with the badge. Byron felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Totodile hugged his leg, and Yanma hugged his face, they decided to head out and rest.

"Welcome to the Pokemon Centre." The Nurse greeted.
"We need a room." Byron requested.
"There's only one left." The Nurse admitted.
"I'll take it!" Byron and Alan said in quick succession.
"Share?" The nurse tried to diffuse the situation.
"Yeah, sure." Alan grabbed the key and ran up to the room.
"Food? I can make a mean carbonara!" Byron prepared some pans.
"Want some?" Byron asked.
"Yeah, but no food for my Pokemon." Alan stated.
"Why?" Byron was full of questions.
"Just no." Alan went to bed.
Byron fed Alan's Pokemon then went to sleep.
"I'll battle you tomorrow!" Byron declared.
"Yeah, sure!" Alan yawned going to bed.
Byron was spitting with fury.

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