Chapter 2

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I always hated college despite that I'm always been bullied I never talk about it to my brothers except blaze

I have 5 brothers Paul Phil Phillip Patrick and Phoenix

Patrick is the eldest, Paul is second to the eldest, Phil is 3rd to the eldest , Phillip is 2nd,and Phoenix is the youngest

My parents died 2 days after I was born I was there when the accident happened they always say I was lucky that I survived but I don't think I'm lucky

I always hated myself I'll always cut my wrist when I was young

my brothers were the one who taught me things like a how a parent would

my mom is half irish half american and my dad is 100% filipino

my mom is an actress and singer while my dad is a hero yup a hero not thoose heroes who fly but a hero who saved 5 people from an earthquake and saved 15 people from a tsunami ...yup both of my parents are famous

my brothers are famous too.... Phil and Phillip are great singer and great with guitars Phoenix is good at singing and drums Paul is good with acting Patrick is good with dancing while me I'm good with nothing

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