Chapter 9

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I literally jumped off of my seat when I saw fairy light across the path way into a nearby lake and a cute little table with cute little scented candles "oh my god its beautifull" I gasp as a bring my hand to cover my mouth "really ? I think you would like it " Is mavy really serious right now? it's amazing "your right I dont like it" I looked up at him and saw his face become sad "Because I love it" I smiled cheeckily "really?! well that's great" he said with a sweet smile on his face "let's go then" we walked in a peaceful silence and followed the fairy lights.Once we reach the cute little table there were 2 plates with mashed potato and chicken and there was a wine coller placed aside how did he prepared all of this? I thought "I asked my friend to help me set this up " he answered my thoughts "oh...okay" I smiled at him.He pulled the chair for me and thank him quietly.We started eating our food quietly until mavy broke yhe silence "so..h-hows the food?" he asked nerviously I found it quite cute I smiled at him "it's actually really good" I meang what I said it really tastes good "really?! I mean .....I cooked it" he proudly said "really?!" now it's my turn to be shocked "I mean it really tatse good despite that a boy cooked it " I tease him "hey!" he pretends to be angry bug failed and laugh loudly I join him laugh.After miniets of laughing he opened the wine and poured some wine in my glass and poured his glass wine as well "cheers" he brought his glass to mine and I brought my glass to his making a "klink" sound I drank my wine and stared at the lake. I din't even notice that he turn on the radio to play some slow music I didn't even notice the radio that was placed beside a tall oak tree "May I ?" He asked as he held his hand out to me with a small smile on his face "You may" I said with a smile plastered on my face and took his hand. I placed both of my hands to his shoulders and he brought his hands to my waist as we dance smoothly into the song

Flightless Bird, American Mouth"

I was a quick-wit boy

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys

Then when the cops closed the fair

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, jealous, weeping

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks

Pissing on magazine photos

Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean

Blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill, stuck going down I was a quick-wit boy

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys

Then when the cops closed the fair

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, jealous, weeping

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks

Pissing on magazine photos

Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean

Blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you?

Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding

Or lost you?

American mouth

Big pill, stuck going down

I rest my head to mavy's chest and dance smoothly "I got you something" Mavy said as he pull out a silver locket shaped like a heart "I know that's early to give it to you but I can't help it " He chuckled "Do you like it it's okay of you don't want it I ca-" he starts blabbering "It's beautifull mavy " I cut him off "Really ? I asked my friend to help me pick it out" he's voice is full of relief "Well your friend is good at picking lockets" I grinned at him "hey I helped too" he grinned back at me "It's getting late now let's go back at your house before your brothers kill me " He smiled sweetly at me as he spoke I laughed at him and he laughed back "yeah ok let's go" I agreed to go home even if I din't want to go yet but he's right It's getting late and my brothers might kill him. Walked back at his car. He opened the door for me and I got on the passengers sit as mavy did the same.He started the car and drove off.The drive was quiet again as usually It's kinda a habit now. It was only a 15 minuet drive so it was less awkward. He pulled down at my drive way and opened the car door again for me. He walked me up at the front door at my house "Thanks Phoebe for hanging out with me" he grinned at me showing off his cute dimples "I had fun too..and thank you for the necklace" I smiled at him "No problem I'll see you tomorrow okay?" he said and kissed my cheek sweetly that made me blush

Mavy POV

I kissed phoebe's cheek and saw her blushed that make my heart flutter "ok see you at school then" she said with a sweet smile and went insinde her house. After she went inside her house I did my happy dance and went to my car and drove off....

Phoebe POV

As I went inside my house all of my brothers were all ready sleeping.I was glad that they were sleeping so they couldn't saw my blushed face I went upstairs and went to my room I changed into my pajamas and lay down at mg bed still blushing still smilling. I just can't believe what happened today. I played at the necklace mavy has brought me I notice there was a quote at the back of it her heart is the most beautifull mystery I smiled even wide because of it. I slowly feel my eyes get heavy and before I knew it I was asleep I'm just excited to see him again





-P ♥♥♥♥

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