Chapter 6

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Phoebe's P.O.V

I woke up in an unfamilliar room my head hurts my body is numb i finally realize that I'm in a hospital "hey" i recognize that voice that's the man who helped me....I tried to sit up but failed "stop moving you'll hurt yourself" I lay back down "what's your name?" I ask softly "Maverick...mavy for short" he's voice is deep and husky but his voice is like an angel to me "I'm phoebe" i quietly said "yeah I know" he chuckled "your sort of famous "my brothers are only famous not me" "well...ok....your mom is a singer and an actor right?...soo...are you a great singer or actor too?..." "why do you have many questions?my head hurts" I groaned annoyed at him "sorry.....geez I only askes one question" he whispered the last part half annoyed "I called your brother his on his way here" "how do you know him?" "he's famous right?" "yeah" I mumbled "just sleep again so your head wont hurt anymore" "ok" i quietly said and driffted to sleep

Maverick's P.O.V

Phoebe driffted to sleep as I watch her chest move up and down her long dark brown wavy hair spreads at her pillow red plump lips and big blue eyes I have never saw such a beautiful creature my thoughts were inturupted by someone knocking on the door....

Phoenix's P.O.V.

I arrived at the hospital it was a 15 minuet drive I ask the nurse for Phoebe Willson and the nurse gave me directions I reached her room and knock on the door...seconds later a boy about 16-17 years old about my age opened the door he's an inch taller than me and has a dark brown hair and blue eyes I kinda recognize him...... "hey" the mysterious boy ask "umm...hey...this is phoebe willson's room right?" "yeah" "well I'm her brother phoenix" "I'm maverick" he held out his hand to shake mine I accept his hand and shook it "what happened to her?" "one of the jocks bullied her" 'what?!" I screamed angrily 'who did this to her?" I spoke in gritted teeth "jason did it one of the jocks and his friends did this to her luckily I stopped jason from beating her more and brought her here to the hospital......the doctor said she just had minor injuries and that she can go home tomorrow...calm down jason won't be bothering her....." "How can you make sure that jason won't be bothering her.." I snap at him " because I kick his ass until he run away" he half laugh but I know that he is serious that he beat jason's ass "ok.." i sighed "thanks for saving her and bringing her here I'm going to talk to my aunt and expelled jason and his friends from school" "wait your aunt is the principal of the school?" he said you can literally hear his amusement in his voice "yeah" i simply said "umm...hey can you please watch after her I'll be back tomorrow I have an interview" "yeah sure no problem" he cooly said "great thanks" i walked over to phoebe and pecked her forehead and then went to the parking lot and went to my car as I went inside the car I called blaze my lovely girlfriend "hey babae!" she said sweetly " hey...." my voice was below a whisper luckily i was on the phone so she can still hear it " what's the problem?" her voice filled with worry "phoebe got bullied" my voice cracked I heared her sigh "do you know about this?" "yeah" her voice is just like a whisper "why din't you told me?" I asked her my voice had a little bit of dissapointment "I want to but I promised phoebe I would'nt" her voice is almost like crying "hey...hey I'm sorry I'm just worried about phoebe please don't cry...i love you ..." I cooed at her "'s ok ....I'm sorry too...I love you......" ok bye love" and by that the line went off as I drove to my aunt's house and told her about this Jason will be expelled and there is just one thing i have to do kick the shit out of him


Maverick's P.O.V.

I woke up 6 in the morning to see phoebe laying in her bed peacefully like an angel "you know it's rude to stare" her angelic voice snapped me out of my thoughts "sorry you just look peacefull" I said awkwardly " are you hungry" I simply asked "yeah.." her voice is soo soft "ok I'll just go to the foodcourt and buy you some food I'll be back" "ok" she simply said as I went to the foodcourt and buy her some eggs and bacon and some orange juice there wasn't really that much food there and there were only few people there so for about 5 minutes later I arrived at her room "here.....there were only few foods there so i only brought you this" I placed her the tray infront of her and help her sit up

Phoebe's P.O.V

5 minuets later Maverick arrivied at my room with eggs bacon and orange juice he handed me the tray of food and helped mr sit up "thanks..." I mumbled " no problem your brother phoenix will be here in any minute" "what?!" I nearly chocke my food "you told him?!" at this point I was screaming "yeah...he needed to know" "this is none of your bussines! did you ask permission to me ? to tell him I'm at the hospital?!" "i don't need your permission! I obviously need to call one of your brother !" at this point both of us were shouting "fine" I huffed "was h-he angry?" I asked nerviously " no why would he be angry? he was worried" he said slightly confuse "well.....umm...long story" "I have time" "fine" I gave up "when i was little my brothers will get angry at me when I'll have a bruise or cut..." "why?" he's voice full of wonder "because they're protective when I was a baby my mom and dad died in a car accident.......I was there with them ......i survived" I attempted to wipe my cheecks but failed because my arm was numb maverick noticed it and wipe it with his thumb "I'm sorry" he's voice is soft "it's ok......" A knock on the door was heared and maverick open it and I saw my brother phoenix and her girlfriend/my friend blaze "hey" my brother pecked my forehead followed by blaze who also pecked my forehead "hey guys" i smiled at them a nurse enterd the room and told me that I may leave at any time I want finally I thought to myself "maverick and I will be outside blaze will help you" my brother said "ok.." blaze helped me get up and went to the bathroom and took a shower "here" blaze handed me some clothes to wear "this are not my clothes" my voice is confuse as so was i "yeah they're mine we din't have time to come to your house your brother slept at my house" she answered my question as I looked at the plain blue dress "oh god" I muttered i really hate dresses but my bestfriend blaze loves soo...this is what i get just great I change into the dress and slipped on blaze's blue flats as i walked outside the bathroom blaze's eyes ent wide "OMG! YOU LOOK SOOOO MUCH MORE PRETTY!" she squeald "you have got to be kidding me" i groaned i always hate myself "let's go your brother and maverick are waiting outside" she literelly pulled me out of the room "wow" my brother compimented me "you look lovely phoebes" maverick complmented me and smiled at me "I know right" blaze nodged maverick at his elbow my stomach went cray as my mind plat thoose words over and over you look lovely we went to the nurse's counter to check me out and went to my brothers car his car is a black range rover the blaze sat on the front my brother on the driver's seat and me and maverick at the back my brother isn't really legally allowed yet to dirve but many of our uncles are part of the goverment and let pmy brother have is lisence at a early age the ride was silent not an awkward silent a peacefull one "soo....maverick where is your house?" my brother ask maverick "just down the street and make a left" he simply asked "umm...thanks maverick for saving me" i mumbled "no problem just call me mavy for short " he then smiled at me sweetly than made my stomach go crazy luckily we were now outside his house,his house is big and beautiful it's like a mansion ...but it's not....."thanks again" my brother said "I'll see you tomorrow" for a second I thought he said it to my brother but he said it to me.......









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