Chapter 15

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All of the stars - Ed sheeran

Chasing cars- Snow patrol



After for about 20-25 miniets of mavy driving around, I realize that were going to an old abandoned park. Yes it's abandoned but it's beautiful too beautiful to be abandoned


After driving for a long time I decided to take phoebe into the old abandoned park that I always used to go. The park has 2 swingsets a slide and a basketballcourt.It's really not a huge park maybe that's why it's abandoned it's too small and it's hidden yet beautiful like phoebe. That's why I decided to take phoebe here she reminds me of this park a small, hidden , beautiful park waiting to be used/played at. Phoebe and I decided to sit on one of the swingsets after we arrived here we really din't speak to each other which makes me worried. What if she dosen't like it? I thought to muself. I don't really know how to talk to her she's too different to the other girls I dated she's......she's too fragile


Since we got here me and mavy din't talked to eachother. I have to admit I love the park and the silence it's so peaceful. I gently swayed back and fort on the swingset until I looked at mavy who is already looking at me. He made me worried because he has a sort of scared expression on his face. "Is everything okay?" I asked him, when I asked him the question he looked at me confused "I should be asking you that" he laughed lightly "how come?" I asked "you didn't spoke a word  to me as we got here" he frowned slightly "I'm sorry I just like silence you know...when you uave silence you have time to think about your annoying sounds no talking just silence"  "you know you shouldn't think about your problems you should forget about them don't let them take the best of you....." he said. There was a peaceful silence for about a minuet until he spoke up "so do-do you like it here?" he stuttered the words half anxiously and nerveously. I laughed at him and he laughed too "I love it here" I said between the laughs "you know you remind me of this park" he said all of the sudden "what?" I asked completly amused. This abandoned park? how?


"what?" she said completely amused she really dosen't see how precious she is huh. "Your like the abandoned park. Because it's small, abandoned, hidden, and most of all beautiful" I said to her truthfuly. Now I know that I really have fallen inlove with this angek right here I may be a dick to her because I used her but now I regret it If I could trade my soul for it I would. I would give anything to her even if it takes to climb the tallest mountain. "Wow" she chuckled "that was really deep and sweet" she said smiling at me And I smiled back at her . I was suprised when she chuckled it means that she's not shy to me that's a good sign I thought. We just both layed there for hours it was about 6 in the evening we got here for about 1am we spend our time together saying jokes to eachother and telling our embarassing stories and ofcourse we sometimes din't talked to eachother just what like phoebe said silence. "If you could go back to the past what would you change?" phoebe asked all of the sudden "Actually I wouldn't change anything" I said simply "why?" was all she said until I decided to take her home before she knows the truth


When I asked mavy why? he din't answer and I immediatley regretted it. The car ride was completeley silent I decided that I would say sorry to Mavy later. Once we reached my house I turned to mavy and said "I'm sorry" he looked at me as if I'm crazy "Don't be sorry you din't do anything wrong" he reassured me but something tells me that He's not telling me something "okay....see you tomorrow.."  I said as I walked out of the car until I forgot to tell him sonething "Wait!" I called out the car stipped and he rolled down the window "what?!" he shouts so I could hear him "Thanks for today! and remember you can tell me anything ! " I waved him goodbye "okay!" he said and smiled as he drove off. I went to my bed and change into my pj's and quickly went to sleep. As I thought I am falling inlove







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