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Day 5

(Yes I know skipped days)

Starvation. Such a simple yet, complex thing. Could be fatal. Could be a waste of time.

I haven't eaten In five days besides the dog food that they throw in every once in a while.

I hear the lock click. I anticipate the entry of the monster. Waiting and waiting, but nothing.

I open the rusty metal shaft and peek my head outside. Empty. Dim lighting. Eerie.

I feel a knot in my stomach, a familiar uneasy feeling. I slide out of my "cell" or "room" as He would call it. The mysterious, CREEPY man told me to call him "He".

I feel the wall a foreign feeling. Rough and dirty. I walk along the concrete, the narrow walls folding in. I see a light. I tip-toe quietly towards it.

I step on something and trip. I look down, backing on the scummy floor. Fuck.

A shoe. He comes out of the dark wing of the corridor. "Where are you off too in such a hurry?" He grins, noticing my fear.

LIAMS POV *Current time (Day five)


Adam's feared face turns to me. "How did this happen?" Adam questions me for about the hundredth time. "Again, Adam. I don't know. He showed up out of no where." I cant believe this is happening. I cant imagine what she is going through now. I don't know what has come over me to make me act like this. It's almost like I have feelings for her, which is the impossible. I mean I'm to arrogant to be in a committed relationship. What am I talking about? Relationships? She doesn't even like me to begin with. I mean I could always ask her.

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