Chapter 13: Arguments & Makeups

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They never argued, but senior year was here and talk about college was the only thing going on in the two teens minds. Mike's parents were pressuring him into deciding, but he didn't know. He'd never really put much thought into which college he'd want to go to. Eleven was confused as to why people made such a big deal about college. I mean the way she saw it, was that you'd just pick a school. Why'd you have to get so stressed over it?

Hopper hadn't started to pressure her yet about the whole thing, she was thankful for that. But the more she saw Mike looking at pamphlets for school, the more she wished she could just go where he went. She couldn't imagine only seeing him a couple times a year.

"Mike," she asked him one day, as they cuddled up next to each other on the downstairs couch. His fingers pushing through her curly hair.

"Huh," he mumbled under his breath, his fingers continuing their journey picking apart curls.

"Have you decided which college you're going to yet," she asked innocently, only wanting to know because she wanted to tell Hopper of her choice. She wasn't going anywhere without Mike.

He sighed out in frustration, his fingers leaving her hair. "I don't know El, and I really don't want to talk about it... Me and you haven't been able to enjoy each other's company in weeks," he exclaims.

She nods her head slightly, and decided to leave it at that. She falls back against his chest, his fingers once again going up to run through her curls. Her mind racing with thoughts.

"But," she starts, and once again his hand left, and this time he stood.

"El... really, why do you want to know so badly anyway," He pushes his hair out of his eyes, as he begins pacing back in forth.

Eleven stands to, "Because, I want to know. In less than a year you'll be leaving, and I want to know where that's going to be. Is that so hard to understand," she explains, walking closer to take his face in her hands.

"why does everyone want to know where I'll be spending the next four years of my life at, why can't I just go to college here," he shakes her hands away. Again, pacing as he becomes more frustrated.

"Because I don't want you to leave me!" she practically yells, trying to get him to calm down. It must have worked because he stops in front of her. His brows relaxing as his brown eyes become brighter.

"You think I'd leave you," he grasps her shoulders, "I'd never leave you, when we both decide where we're going, then we'll have that talk okay. But if we both want to go to the same college, then we'll go to the same college. Okay," he tries to reassure her.

She nods her head, closing her eyes briefly as she herself tries to calm down. "I was just scared, we've been through too much to just leave each other for something as stupid as long distance," she states, seeing as a smile makes his way to his face. A light laugh following soon after as he pulls her to him.

"That'll never happen, I love you too much to let that happen," he exclaims, pulling away slightly so he can meet her eyes again. He leans down quickly to press a kiss to her lips, her hands come up to grasp his face. His fingers dig into her back, pulling her completely to him, her breasts pressing against his chest causing his breath to hitch.

She deepens the kiss, tugging at his hair. Causing a low groan to escape him as he pushes her backwards to the couch. A smile forming on her lips, as she pulls him on top of her. Their lips connect once again.




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