Chapter 16: A Wedding

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Senior year was almost ending, the only thing on people's minds being graduation and college. Luckily Mike had something else to think about.  A couple of months prior, Nancy and Jonathan had announced their engagement. Seeing as it was apparently the perfect weather, Nancy wanted to have their wedding now. Mike was happy, it gave him something to focus on besides waiting around for acceptance letters. Him and El had both applied to some of the same colleges. Knowing that they'd have to stay close to one another.

Here they both were, helping with setting up the reception hall. Mike couldn't help but admire El from afar, seeing as she strung up lights along the walls. Her brows were furrowed, as she tried to lean her small body over more than she probably should've, seeing as she looked like she could fall off the chair she was currently standing on. Mike quickly walked over towards her, scared that she would indeed fall. He was soon right, because the second he was beside her, she fell over and into his arms.

She gasped in surprise, and he could only smile.

"You alright there El," Mike smirked down at the wide honey eyed girl. He took notice in how her lips instantly tugged upwards into a smile, as their eyes met.

She laughed, bringing her hand up to push her curly hair out of her face. Mike lowered her to her feet, his hands remained around her waist.

"How'd you get over here so fast," she continued to laugh, her eyes moving over to where he previously was.

"I saw you leaning to far over, and hurried to catch you," Mike exclaimed, seeing as El blushed slightly.

"You were watching me weren't you," her lips formed a smirk, Mike's cheeks now beginning to turn slightly pink.

"," Mike lied, his own lips forming a huge smile as he began walking away. Eleven caught up quickly to wrap her arms around his torso from behind. Her face burying into his back as they robotically walked to get more decorations.


The wedding turned out beautiful, they held the ceremony outside. The sky blue, and grass green. Chairs lined a path, and an archway placed at the end.

Eleven held Mike's hand tightly through the entire thing, every now and then, Mike would catch Eleven subtly wipe a tear. He knew he'd have to tease her about it later.

She looked beautiful in the sunlight, her curly brown hair pulled up. A couple of strands had fallen onto her face. Her honey filled eyes, would occasionally meet his, in the sun they seemed even more bright and innocent. Her lips were tinted red, and her cheeks were tinted pink. She looked flawless to him. Mike couldn't help but to think of what his and Eleven's wedding would be like.


After the ceremony, they all made their way to the reception hall. The room was now filled with beautiful decorations, the room dim but lit with lights.

Mike was instantly pulled to the dance floor after other people started dancing. Eleven wrapped her arms around his neck with a smile. As, she twirled Mike around with her to the song that was currently playing.

There friends joined them later, all of them laughing at each other's dance moves, as they all swayed to countless numbers of songs.

By the end of the night, Eleven's feet hurt badly, and Mike was exhausted.

Nancy and Jonathan had already left, and people had started packing up.

"El are you ready to go home," Hopper had come up to their table, it was a magical day when you'd see Hopper dressed in a suit and tie.

"Actually, is it okay if I go over to Mike's for a little bit. I'll be home soon, I promise," Eleven had asked, and surprisingly Hopper agreed, but told Mike to drive safely.

"What's up with him tonight," Mike leaned in towards El. She shook her head with a smile.

"Beats me," she replied, before quickly leaning into to press her lips to Mike's for the millionth time that day.


When they got to Mike's, the entire group moved downstairs. Lucas and Max sat next to each other at the small square table, laughing among themselves. Dustin and Will were fighting over which movie to watch and Eleven and Mike were practically already passed out on the sofa. El rested her head on Mike's shoulder, as he tried to help with the Movie choice.

"Mike can I talk to you for a second," Eleven had whispered into his ear, when Dustin finally put the movie on. He nodded his head, as they stood to walk up the stairs. The others questioned where they were going, and when they didn't exactly reply they started to joke that they were probably going up stairs to have sex. Which caused Mike to flip the 4 of them off. when Mike and El made it to the kitchen they could hear their friend's muffled from laughter downstairs.

"So, what did you want to talk about," Mike smiled at Eleven, his hands coming up to grasp her face. His thumbs grazed her cheek bones as her eyes began to water.

She stayed silent, and Mike began to worry.

"What is it," his brows had furrowed as she shook her head with a small smile.

"Nothing's wrong...I'm just nervous," she exclaimed, causing Mike to worry even more.

"What are you nervous about," he asked, his hands moving down to her shoulders to try and soothe her over.

"About acceptance letters.... I don't know, it's just graduation is next month and I'm scarred that I won't get into the same colleges that you do," She explains, a couple of tears starting to roll down her cheeks. Mike frowned slightly, as he brought his fingers to her cheek to wipe the stray tears.

"Don't worry about that okay, I know this is all stressful El. But trust me when I say I'm not going anywhere without you, not now... not ever," Mike stated, his brows furrowing together as he tried to not think about a month from now.

"Okay," she nodded her head, sniffling softly as she smiled up at him.

"I love you El," Mike's own eyes began to glaze over. She didn't reply straight away, seeing as she quickly brought her hands up to pull Mike down to her. Their lips roughly met, as both of their eyes squeezed shut. Her hands roamed down his back to pull him closer to her, his own hands moved down her face, to her neck, to her waist. Their tongues clashed, as they hungrily kissed one another. Electrically buzzed around the two of them, as if they were ignited. Soon when they could no longer breathe they pulled away, but stayed close. Their forehead rested against one another's, as they tried to even their breathing.

"I love too Mike," El whispered, their lips soon meeting once again.






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