Chapter 14: Spring Break & Camps Fires

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Eleven's Pov:

It was spring break, the air outside beginning to turn warm. The flowers blooming, and the days turning longer. The entire group, talked our parents into the 6 of us going camping for a couple of days. I was excited, to be able to really bond with our friends before it was too late and everyone was going away. We still had a couple months until we had to worry about college, but it was still nice to be able to hang out with your friends without parents around.

The woods we were staying at were beautiful. With tall trees, and streams of fresh water. Flower's started coming back, and the leaves started turning green once again.

"Hey," Mike whispered into my ear startling me, as I jumped around with a hand on my heart.

"Sorry," he smiled slightly, wrapping his arms around my waist. Leaning his forehead against mine, as I too smiled back.

"This is nice," I gestured to our surrounding, seeing as the group started to set up tents. Most of them huffing in annoyance when they did something wrong.

Mike nodded his head in agreement, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head before pulling me with him over towards the others.


"High schools almost over," Dustin raised his brows in awe, his eyes pulled together in disappointment.

"It's went by fast," Lucas agrees pulling Max closer towards him, a smile on her face as she falls back into his chest.

"It's feels like yesterday when Will was taken into the upside down, and we found El out in the woods," Mike exclaims, glancing his eyes over to me. A smile on my face, as I think back to those old memories.

"We all went through hell," Will agrees, chuckling softly when Dustin says, "Especially you,"

"Do you think we could ever forget any of it, when we all head in different directions," Max asks.

"I won't," I say, "You've all been a part of my growing up, and finally finding a place where I belong," I explain, feeling as Mike grasps a hold of my hand, his fingers tracing against mine. Goosebumps forming on my skin.

It becomes silent, as we all listen to the fire crackling and the wind howl in the distance. We don't need words though, just being here is enough.


The next day is spent swimming in the small lake nearby. Laughter surrounding us, as we become kids again.

Water splashes in my face causing my eyes to widen, I see Mike come up to me a smirk on his face as he leans into pull me closer by my legs.

"That wasn't very nice of you," I tease, a smile tugging at my lips as he starts to softly laugh.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into me as I press a long kiss to his lips. Our hands caressing each other's skin as our tongues collide.

"Get a room," Max yells at us, followed by loud "awe's," from Dustin. We pull away, smiles permanently stuck to our faces as we swim over towards the others.

"You two are practically married already," Lucas teases us, I notice how Mike's cheeks flush, his eyes quickly darting to meet mine.

"Oh, is little Mikey blushing," Lucas brings a hand up to his face, as Mike swats it away with a, "Shut up."

Everyone laughs, and we continue to play around in the water. The sun shining down on all of us, as we smile.


"I love you," Mike whispers into my ear that night. A smile on his face, his pupils dilated as he leans into kiss me once again. Everyone had excused themselves into their tents, yawns surrounding us as we called it a night. It seemed like Mike had other things on his mind. My hands came up to grasp his face, pulling him onto our makeshift bed. The tent's dark as we turned out the lantern.

I kiss him hard as his hands work their way down to lift my shirt over my head. We've gotten better at this with time, because soon we're both bare. Our skin pressed into one another's as Mike's lips trail down my jaw to my neck. My eyes close, and my breath hitches as he finds that sensitive spot. My skins on fire, as he pushes into me. My hands grasping him tightly, as his lips detach themselves and he groans into my neck.

My eyes open. Even in the dark, I can see his beautiful brown eyes. He leans down to kiss me again, as we both move together. We pant into each other's mouths. We try to be quiet, knowing that our friends could possibly wake up and hear us. This gets better with time to, as his hands wander, and caresses the skin that he's come to know. I accidently moan loudly, when he speeds up his movements and brings his hand down to bring me closer to release. He shushes me, a laugh escaping him as he continues his journey with his lips. I can tell he's close, as he breathes heavily against my skin, his head resting on my chest, a low moan leaving him.

"oh, my g-," I moan when the fire in the pit of my stomach explodes, my eyes squeezing shut as I squeeze Mike's back, pulling him completely down on top of me. He groans, trying his best to be quiet, he presses his face to my chest. His lips pressing small kisses to my skin, as we both come down from our high. I laugh in awe, when our eyes connect again. A smile tugging at his lips as he has trouble breathing evenly.

We stay like that, him resting himself on top of me as we spend the night talking, and randomly kissing each other. The fire outside the tents still crackling under the night sky.


"Could you guys seriously not wait until we got back home," Dustin rubs the sleep from his eyes the next day as we silently take down our tents to head home. My eyes widen, and Mike's cheeks flush as we understand what he's insinuating.

I laugh under my breath when him and Mike begin bickering about it.

"I'm exhausted, I only slept like 2 hours," Will agrees.

"Like seriously you guys were less than 2 feet away from us," Lucas chimes in, as Max comes over to my side. Her arm resting around my shoulders as she reassures me.

"Don't listen to them," we laugh, blocking out their conversation.



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