'shut it, tozier. i'm just trying to enjoy my summer without you flirting with me'
'i'm not flirting with you, i'm just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive'
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'so, sophie! how was your first day here at school?!' I asked her excitedly as we walked through the crowded hallways trying to get out and go home since everyone had just finished their last classes of the day
'it was great! me and that cute richie guy have one class together, and we're partners in biology! it took a lot of nerve to ask him, but he eventually said yes!' she seemed excited, most likely ignoring the fact that we had something
i have to admit though, I never said he was off limits, and if he's anything like I remember him,
then he wouldn't fall for a girl like sophie
she came from a rich family with brown hair and green eyes, she wore quite a bit more makeup on than a lot of the other students, she always wore either skirts or dresses, and she didn't like mud or getting dirty
so her and richie weren't exactly a good fit together, therefor I have nothing to be worried about
'victoria?' she asked me
'yeah?' I smiled to her
'how many classes do you have with richie?' she asked
'oh, we have 7 classes together' she frowned as I said that; it basically meant that he would see me far more and the only class he wasn't with me, he was with herself
almost like a second option
but a sweet sucker
'so, victoria; do you want to go back to my house and study now?' she asked
i looked at the watch on my wrist, it was almost three
'sure, but it feels like i'm forgetting something' forgetting someone
she smirked to herself, almost as if she knew what it was
then, she acted innocent again,'oh, it's probably just something irrelevant that doesn't matter anyways; now let's go!' she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the school out to our bikes
she had a bright pink bike with ribbon tied to both handlebars, and her easter-egg yellow basket was covered in flowers
how we became friends? i'm not sure; but I guess opposites attract
'let's go!' she basically screamed at me, it felt as if she was trying to get me out of the school as fast as possible
'jesus, calm down!' I said with a smile, laughing at the fact she was so rushed
we got on our bikes and drove to the opposite end of derry, the rich district
the houses were at least three times he houses of the places me and the other lived in
'so, victoria; since we're done studying do you want to watch a movie?' she asked me with a smile
'sure, but it has to be horror!' I said laughing as we got up out of her baby pink room and walked to the huge living room in her house
'fine' she said laughing
i sat down on the couch with some snacks from her pantry as she put on a random horror movie she had lying around
but, no no, it wasn't random
it was richie's favourite
she probably didn't know, but I knew
and then I remembered what I was forgetting
'SHIT SOPHIE!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!' I yelled out as I jumped up from the couch and asked her what time it was
'it's 4:13' she said with a smile, it was almost devious
'shit, absolute shit! I have to go, see you tomorrow!' I bolted out of the living room, and into her room
i quickly picked up all of my papers and notebooks off of the floor and smashed them into my backpack before running out of the front door and getting on my bike
i knew it took about ten minutes to get to the school from her house, and another five minutes to get to the meadows from the school
fifteen minutes, that's way too long!
i tried taking as many shortcuts as I could, but it only cut off about three minutes
once I got to the meadow, richie's bike wasn't anywhere to be seen
i ran through the now almost 2 yard tall grass right into the middle of the field,
and there he was
richie was sitting all alone in the grass and his hands were covering his eyes
i ran over to him and brushed my hand against against his shoulder
he quickly stood up and wiped his eyes
he had been crying
'i've missed you, victoria' was all he said before I started to walk away, not liking seeing him sad;
but the, he went up after me, grabbed my arm, and pulled me back to him and kissed me
it was magical,
his arms were wrapped around my waist and my hands were wrapped around his neck
it felt so good to finally see him and kiss him again
it reminded me of the simpler times
those 'simpler times' were exactly one year ago today
on the first day of seventh grade, and the first day my feeling shined for richie tozier
we kissed exactly one year ago today
how crazy, and how crazy that I think i'm in love with him now
but, in a way, I was in love with him back then
i just didn't know it yet
he was and still is the perfect person ever, no matter what terms we are or ever were on
he is the definition of beauty, perfection, and he chose me
but did he?
i chose him after countless flirts going back and forth between us for some time
he chose me
but, in a way I didn't choose him nor did he choose me
we chose each other
as we kissed, I thought about how I could come so late and he'd still be there for me
he meant so much to me
and I meant so much to him
the kiss ended as we slowly pulled away and looked at each other with basically heart eyes
'vic, you look so beautiful' he smiled
i blushed and rolled my eyes playfully
'i love you victoria' he blurted out
i didn't say anything, but just smiled, leaned in, and kissed the beautiful boy who had just confessed his love for me