'shut it, tozier. i'm just trying to enjoy my summer without you flirting with me'
'i'm not flirting with you, i'm just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive'
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'hey, hey, hey; baby don't cry. we still have like 26 hours left together!' richie attempted to comfort me as i wept into my hands while we were swinging on the huge swings that were attached to one of the many trees in the woods
'don't remind me!' i answered, bawling my eyes out
richie continued to rub his hand on my back, knowing it was to comfort me; but still secretly trying to figure out what bra i was wearing; classic richie
i'll miss him so much
'baby, look at me' richie said as his hand moved from my back to my chin,
he lifted my head up so we looked at each other directly in the eyes
'it's eight o'clock; we have the whole day to spend together. we shouldn't mope around; we should do something and spend every last second together! it's summer, the possibilities are endless!' he said, sympathy filled his voice
i used the sleeve of richie's hawaiian shirt to wipe my tears away and replied,'you're right, i shouldn't be so sad when you're still here; now let's make the best of this last day!'
we both smiled and laughed a little as richie wiped away the last of my tears
he leaned in and we kissed; it was magical
'so, mr tozier, what do you want to do now?' i asked him as we held hands and started walking out of the forest and into the perfect summer day
the sun was shining and there was a light breeze, it was warm; but wasn't too hot nor cold
it really was a perfect day, and i was going to spend it with the perfect person
'well, future mrs tozier, maybe we could go down to the arcade and i could beat you in a simple game of pac-man?' he said and winked as we started walking towards the direction of the town center; where all the restaurants, shops, and the arcade were located
he linked our arms and I laughed as I agreed to his idea,'of course, mr beautiful, but if i were you i wouldn't be so sure of beating against the great victoria!'
he laughed at my goofiness, and we approached the houses that surrounded the town
'dang i love you' richie mumbled as he pressed his lips against mine, creating a sweet, but short kiss
as we finally arrived at the movie theatre, we walked through the doors, the cool air conditioning blowing lightly on our faces and bodies, we made our way to the arcade inside of the theatre, walking past other kids that were in to watch a horror movie, and older people that were probably going to watch some old french romance movie
'come on, vic, we have to go! hurry up!' richie said as he noticed some kid was about to take the pac-man machine before we had a chance to
luckily, richie sped off and almost pushed the kid over while trying to get to the machine before he did