Tsunami X SeaWing Reader

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Your name:Mako
Side Notes:None

You knew Tsunami since the Dragonets of Destiny came to the Summer Palace. Even after a few months after, you still remembered each other. You really liked her, and you hoped she really liked you.
And besides, your long scar underneath your eye impressed her. You served in the war for a long while, and yet the only injury you ever really got was that scar, and that only made Tsunami admire you even more.
Which made you admire her even more. She was so bossy and tough with her friends, it amazed you to think that they could spend entire years growing up with her.
There were a number of reasons, however, as to why you couldn't be with her, ranging from Queen Coral to the RainWings.
And then there was Riptide.

Whenever he saw you around Tsunami, he either got real protective at Tsunami or really jealous at you. It was like he outright hated you. Oh well, can't be friends with everyone, you thought as you flew throughout the RainWing village, hoping to find her.
You spotted Tsunami's glistening blue scales easily within the mixes of different colors. Of course, she was being her bossy self, shouting at the RainWings. You could barely make out her words from where you were flying.
Another NightWing, presumably the infamous Deathbringer, came up to Tsunami and told her something.
After that, she flew up to the treetops where she was alone, walking through the village. You flew over and landed in front of her, making her jump.

"Mako?" She asked, eyes wide. "Hi Tsunami!" You exclaimed, then immediately talonpalmed. "Okay, that sounded really dumb." You said. "Not as stupid as those RainWings sometimes. 'General, what's a sword?' 'General, where's the fruit?' 'General, is it sun time yet?' ARGH IT GETS SO ANNOYING!" Tsunami said, nearly yelling. "I can't possibly imagine." You said, trying to be supportive. "Yeah, now these RainWings are actually starting to learn how to fight. At least some of them know how to hold a spear." She said, sitting down and dangling her feet over the edge of the tree. "You know, I could help you if you wanted. I've had some experience with fighting." You told her, grinning. "Hmmm. General Mako...it kinda has a nice ring to it." She said. "So is that a yes?" You asked. "I guess so. If you really want to help, which I STRONGLY suggest not to, then I guess you can help." She told you. "Well okay then. Just tell me when." You said.

You were about to get up and leave when Tsunami stopped you. "Where do you think you're going?" She asked. "I was just going to go swimming, why?" You asked her, confused. "Hmm, maybe a certain SeaWing princess might want to come with you." She said, smiling. "Really? Uh, I mean...sure! Okay!" You exclaimed, spreading your wings and flying down from the trees. Tsunami followed close behind you, eventually brushing your wingtip at one point. You both looked away from each other, blushing. You eventually reached the beach, where the horizon was nothing but the ocean blue of the waves that made up the Kingdom Of Sea and the Bay Of A Thousand Scales.
You jumped into the ocean first, splashing water all over the beach and Tsunami. "Oh, that's how it's going to be now? Move over, Mako!" Tsunami said as she jumped into the water, creating a splash even bigger than yours.  The water pelted your scales as the splash crashed into you. You laughed as Tsunami surfaced, floating as the waves kept crashing into you both. "Please, if I wanted, I could make a...tsunami." You joked. "Haha, very funny." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes in a playful way. "Come on, I have a secret spot around here." You told her, diving down into the ocean. She followed close behind, settling in the current you were following. You eventually found your secret spot, which was a small cave that was hidden behind a cluster of seaweed.

Moving past the seaweed, you emerged in the cave where you had visited at least once a week since you discovered it months ago. It was bigger than most other caves down here, but it would make a good hiding place if another bad thing like the SkyWing attack were to happen again. You swam to one corner of the huge cave, paddling in circles.

 You swam to one corner of the huge cave, paddling in circles

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(The cave looked like this)

Tsunami came in soon after, taking a look around the cave. Sunlight barely managed to make it through, giving the cave a simple yet soothing atmosphere. You paddled to Tsunami, letting yourself float next to her.
You knew she couldn't speak Aquatic very well, and that gave you an idea.
I love you, you flashed out of the blue. Tsunami raised her eyebrow and paddled closer to you, twining her tail around yours. I love you too, you loon, she flashed as she smiled at you.

And then she pressed her snout against yours.

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