Chapter 6

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ON WIKIHOW, THERE ARE SEVERAL STEPS ON HOW TO BECOME A BAD BOY and I wonder if Yuto reads any of them. Basically, to be a bad boy, you have to be a jerk. You have to be a heartless human being who doesn't care about anything or anyone else but yourself. I would never understand why so many of female species find such attitude sexy.

When Mrs. Adachi opened the door for me, I found Yuto and another tall guy running around the house, chasing each other. Yuto had headphones on and he was talking way too loud. "Yah! Yah! Not there! You'll ruin the paint!" he yelled, probably not meaning to. "Come back here."

He was wearing a black shirt and blue pyjamas. Mrs. Adachi turned to me. "He has a friend over. They've been playing around. Don't mind them."

They returned to the couch without noticing me or Mrs. Adachi.

"I AM... GOING... TO DANCE... PPAP... IF I LOSE... THIS... GAME..." The taller guy said.

"WHAT?" Yuto yelled. His friend repeated, and then Yuto repeatedㅡ"I AM GOING TO DANCE B.A.P IF I LOSE THIS GAME!" He said confidently with a dab.

He is failing miserablyㅡto be a bad boy. I shook my head as Mrs. Adachi patted Yuto's back. Yuto removed his headphones. "Chanmi is here. You guys head to your room." she said.

His eyes widened. "What? Already?"

His head turned to me sharply. "Heol," he said and then composing himself. "Hi, Kim Chanmi-ssi!"

"Do you two know each other?" Mrs. Adachi asked.


"Aren't you the girl on the train?" The taller guy asked.

Yuto elbowed him. "We met yesterday, mom."

"Yeah, we did." I said, giving an awkward smile.

Mrs. Adachi smiled. "Alright, I'll leave you kids here."

"Wait, Yuto will dance PPAP." The taller guy said, grinning.

"What? Says who?" Yuto asked, his eyes wide.

I supressed a grin. "You said B.A.P! I said PPAP!" His friend said.


"What is PPAP?" Mrs. Adachi asked.

Both guys looked at me and I wondered how the hell this conversation turned like this. "Um, it's a popular dance..." I said.

Yuto groaned. The taller guy grinned and scrolled through his phone. "A deal is a deal."

PPAP comes on.

"Really? You guys are watching?" Yuto asked me and Mrs. Adachi.

"Oh, I should get to workㅡ"

"No, no, stay, Chanmi. I haven't seen Yuto dance in so long. He was really good." Mrs. Adachi said proudly.

I looked at Yuto and he was blushing. "Mom! This is not that kind of danceㅡ"

His friend laughed out loud. "Come on, Yuto, just dance!"

P-P-A-P... The music began. Yuto groaned frustratedly before dancing to the song. I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. He's so mortified.

"Enough!" he said and his friend turned off the music, still laughing.

Mrs. Adachi shook her head. "Why are you my son?" she asked and walked away.

"Wait, momㅡare you disowning me?" Yuto yelled after her.

"Noona, you work here?" The taller guy asked.

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