Chapter 11

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BRUCE LEE SAID THAT IF YOU spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. So after thinking about what the hell happened last night while also thinking about all the paper work that awaits me, I got up from bed and actually wrote some of the essays that had been waiting for me.

And then I grabbed a small canvas and painted a faint image of Yuto and his smile last night. I let it dry as I took a bath and changed into decent clothes for university. I took my painting and wrapped it in white paper before shoving it inside my backpack.

After my classes, I went straight to the Adachi house to continue my work. This time, it was Yuto who opened the door. Mrs. Adachi was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's your mom?" I asked casually.

He frowned. "Business trip."

"When will she come back?" I asked while putting on my painting apron.

"In two days." he said lazily.

While I painted, he sat on one of the stairs and watched me. "Aren't you bored of watching me?" I asked.


"Well, you are distracting me."

He grinned. "Good, then."

"Seriously, go, do something."

"I am doing something."

"Yuto..." I warned.

"Alright, alright. I'll be back later." he said, frowning but not before he snapped a photo of me on his phone.

"Hey! Delete that!"

"Ah, why? You looked cute."

"Delete. Now. Here."

He sighed and fumbled on his phone. "Alright, here." He walked to me and showed me how he deleted the photo.

"Are you sure you didn't make copies?" I asked suspiciously.

He grinned and winked. "Yes. See you later then."

After work, my back hurts again. I made my way out of the house, followed by Yuto.

"Yuto," I called him as we walked.


"Why are you here?" I asked.

He looked at me. "Uh, I live here?"

"You don't live here." I told him and that's when he got what I meant.

He slid his hands inside his pockets and smiled tightly. "Wanna go on a second date with me?" he asked.

"What? Now?"


Yuto brought me to Seoul Forest. The trees seemed to be glowing at night because of all the lights. It was quiet since it was around six already and dark.

He held my hand as we crossed the wooden bridge of the park. And then we sat by the river beneath the twinkling stars in the night sky.

"Should tonight be the Truth Night?" he said, turning to me.

"Can you commit to that?"

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