Chapter 19

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DISTANCE NEVER SEPARATES two people in love, they say. But as I send off Yuto, two hours away from meㅡit still felt a little heartbreaking.

He won't tell me when he's coming back and even though I know we would be talking and seeing each other over the internet, I still really, really miss him already.

He looks perfect today. He's wearing the beanie we once checked out together. He has warm jacket and my red scarf around his neck.

I tip-toed to kiss him. "Stay safe." I murmured and he smiled between our kiss.

"I'll be back before you know it."

"Seriously, just tell me when so I could cross off dates on calendar."

He laughed and hugged me tight. "Miss you already."

I cupped his cheeks and kissed him again. "Ohmygoshㅡwhy are we still on January?"

"What did I do to make you fall for me this way?" he asked playfully.

"I guess I like bad boys after all?"

He laughed, kissing my forehead. "I should be the only bad boy you like."

"I don't think you're still a bad boy anyway. That image has long faded away probably ever since I saw you dance to PPAP."

He laughed and his eyes shone as he did. "Just five months." he said, "Five months and I'm off to college."

I smiled and fixed his scarf. "Do well on your CSATs, okay? Study hard."

He grinned. "I can't believe I missed you talking to me like a kid."

"Oh, do you want me to keep doing itㅡ"

"No, no, no, I take that back!"

"I'm still your noona."

He frowned. "My train is leaving." he said, hugging me once again.

I groaned. "Will miss you."

The announcement of his train's departure separated us. He pulled away from our embrace and kissed my lips once more. "I love you!" he said and hurried to the train, waving with a huge, huge smile.

I was too surprised by what he said that all I did was watch him go away. I smiled as the train's doors closed and he was still waving at me through the glass window.

"I love you, too." I whispered, and it doesn't matter if he heard it or not, I meant it.


The train kept going until Chanmi was out of my sight. It took a while before the smile on my face faded away.

Last night, I spent a lot of time admiring her painting on the staircase. I spent a lot of time reminiscing all the things we've done together. I spent a lot of time thinking how to tell her that I already love her. I didn't think I would get a chance.

But when I kissed her before I leave, the words just left my mouth. Now, I really do freakin' miss her. High school sucks.

My phone screen lit up and my homescreen showed a picture of us. I can't believe I'm one of those people now who put their couple pictures as lockscreens or homescreens.

Once I get home, Wooseok would probably tease me about it. But then again, is my old home even home anymore? Because it sure does feel like I just left home.

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