Chapter 12

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WHAT FALLING FOR TWO PEOPLE MEANSㅡYOU'RE HUMAN, the article I came across with this morning told me. I don't know why of all things on Twitter, I would come across something like this. Where are the anti-Trump tweets?

And so, it makes me think during my art history class. I still certainly like Yanan a lot, but Yuto makes me feel happy. He makes me forget about all the drama. From all the things I've read in books, the excitement of beginningㅡI feel it with him.

I have to make up my mind, I know. But right now, all my classes are over and I saw Yanan leaning against the wall near my classroom and he was waiting for me. When his eyes met mine, his smile had blown me away again. So, I'm confused. I'm so, so confused. I don't want to hurt Yuto. I need to make up my mind.

"Annyeong!" He greeted me with that adorable, innocent smile of his.

I smiled back at him. "Hey, how are you holding up?" I asked.

"Fine!" he said brightly, and that's when I know that he's telling the truth. "Gain and I met yesterday, right?"

I braced myself as we walked through the hallways. He's gonna say they're fine. They are back together. Going stronger. "Uh-huh," I said, playing nonchalant.

"We had a good closure, I think. I really didn't want us to go separate ways, hating each other. Well, I don't hate her, but she probably hated me."

I stopped walking. I repeated his words inside my head. They aren't back together! "Waitㅡwhat? Why?"

He grinned and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked, a thing so ordinary for us. "I don't understand your question."

"I meanㅡI really thought you guys would be back together!"

He sighed. "It's ended for real, this time. Gain... deserves better."

No, no, noㅡBUT WHY? I wanted to ask but I was speechless. It took a few moments before I spoke again. "How about this?" I asked, pointing on his chest. "How is it holding up?"

He pulled away and looked at me. "Honestly? I'm gonna sound like a jerk, butㅡmy heart feels alright."

I looked at him in confusion. "But you drank! And you looked so... heartbroken?"

He chuckled. "I was."

"You confuse me!" I said, frowning.

"Not from her." he said more quietly.

"What?" I asked again. It's like he's speaking a foreign language. Yanan can take a picture of me and turn it into a WAT meme.

He smiled coyly, his cheeks flustered. "Chanmi," he called. For some reason, my heart was racing. "Do you have time to hangout later?"

"Well, I have work..."

"After work?"

"Uhm, okay. Where are we going?"



Did Yanan fall for someone else?

When I got to the Adachi house, Yuto opened the door with a huge smile on his face it almost looked goofy.

"Why do you look so happy?" I asked.

He sighed and pulled me inside. "I've been killing time until I could see you again."

I grinned and pushed him away playfully. "You're cheesy."

"Only to you." he said and winked.

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