CHAPTER FIVE ' the uneasy alliance '

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kiara black

       It took a while for Kiara to revert back

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It took a while for Kiara to revert back. Luckily, Embry happened to come across her as she sat on the beach, dazed though ashamed. Once again, she almost tried harming someone. She thought she had everything handled. Kiara wished her human friend knew that being part of her world was hard as hell and not what she imagined — a perfect world where Edward turns her into a vampire and they prance off like in twisted fairytales.

       "Hey, Kitty," Paul smiled, sitting beside her as she watched the waves crash unintentionally into each other.

"Paul," she replied back monotonously, feeling herself calm through Paul's presence.

"What happened back there?" he asked, wrapping a thermal coat around the girl even though she didn't need it but she appreciated his kindness.

        "I'm not so sure, I thought I had things covered, Paul, and that's why I moved back because I thought if I could stay away from Forks, I'd adjust and not hurt anyone. Turns out I was wrong."

        "It took a while for me to get used to the whole wolf thing. It was hard as hell and my temper made everything worse . . . it was like I just wanted to tear everyone's head off," he chuckled lightly. "I didn't, by the way, but I had this mentality at the back of my head screaming at me to take control of myself. And so I did. You just have to think hard about how to control yourself and keep that for as long as you can otherwise it'll all go boom."

       Kiara could only sigh. It was much easier in Hawaii where her sister and her boyfriend lived far away from the city and right next to the beach and so it was perfect for her to practise her phasing. It was peaceful and calming and all things positive, she had no worries in the world. Every morning she would surf until dawn and there she could phase without any concerns.

       The tiny town called Forks brought back all the horrible memories. There was little that made the town peaceful or calming, most of it was negatives. It was a magnet for the supernatural and that meant trouble at every turn. That was probably the only thing Kiara didn't understand or despised about Bella Swan — she knew of the dangers that could put those she loved at risk yet she wished to place harm on their shoulders. She understood the fact that she wanted to be with Edward but love can make you do things that can lead to your own demise.

"I'm just worried that I might kill someone, Paul. At this point, that is my concern," she replied, fiddling with her finger.

"I'll help you, Kiara. Maybe it's better with one person rather than the whole pack, it'll take off a lot of the pressure too."

"You will?"

"Of course; you're part of the pack therefore, I will help in any way I can," Paul said firmly, bringing his arm around her as they shared their warmth. He gave his usual grin when they were suddenly called by Embry and so concluded their conversation and headed over to him.


       Following a visit from an unknown enemy, plans were made to protect Bella and her father, Charlie. Over the past days, Paul had helped Kiara Black control her ticking temper and gain better handling on her phasing by gradually placing her into intense situations where such things like yelling or seeing someone she cared for in danger occurred as the reactant.

       Paul, Embry and Kiara switched shifts with Emmett, who purposely bumped into Embry but she held him back before he could react. The female vampires sent nods and a small smile from Esme as they brushed by each other and they sped off to hunt.

       "I'd like to speak with Bella for a while. Do you guys mind at all?" she asked.

       The human and the wolf had not talked in ages; she had been too occupied in temper lessons and Bella had been preoccupied with her vampire boyfriend.

       "No, not at all. Take all the time you need, Kiara. Embry and I got this covered," Paul replied with a reassuring smile.

       She sent one his way as they both jogged back into the woods and turned into their other form. She made her way to the front door, knocking thrice and waiting patiently for Charlie to open the door. After a small conversation, he allowed her to go up to Bella's room where she locked eyes with Edward Cullen, another being she had not talked to in a while.

       He understood why she was there and left Bella and her to catch up with the chaotic mess that had been circulating them since her arrival.

       "You know, Jake rambles on and on about you . . . every single day it's Bella is making a mistake or she can't pick him it's me or—"

        "Kiara, I think I get it." she chuckled softly, handing her a piece of milk chocolate which, of course, she took despite promising herself to slow down on sugary confectionary. "How has he been? Because to be totally honest with you, Key, my head is turning in different directions like I'm swerving around on an icy road with no brake and no way of even getting off."

       Bella looked at her with her great brown eyes and a frown on her face. She had never been an emotional person, instead, she would hide away from her feelings and tell them to one single person.

       "Bella . . . I can only advise you on what you can do and that is to never fall in love with two people but you've already messed up on that so just remember never to do that again." Kiara joked as her friend chuckled slightly. "I know you love my brother, but hearing him everyday and pondering after you as he wonders if you'll ever choose him . . . it hurts seeing him like that. You're my friend, Bell, and I believe you'll make the right decision when it comes to it."

   "Thank you, Key You really help, you know?" She smiled, hugging her for quite before letting go.

       "Glad to know I've finally made you smile a bit, Bella."

       At that moment, she somewhat imagined what it would be like if she had more mundane moments like when they would talk about boy problems, where they would eat after they helped Charlie clean up the backyard or help each other with insanely hard math problems. Those things would hardly ever happen with the life she had; almost a quarter of her childhood was spent away from my friends and family.

       All she could do now was focus on helping Bella and hopefully . . . maybe . . . just one day . . . finding someone who could love her temper and her craziness as much as she loved them.

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