CHAPTER ONE ' home sweet home '

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  kiara black 

☽  kiara black  ☾

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          Cold. That was the feeling Kiara Black, third oldest child of Billy and Sarah Black, felt crawling along her bronzed skin as she hopped out of the tiny plane and out of the tiny airport of Forks, Washington — a town that was hidden by its dense forest and dull people. It was nothing like the dazzling Hawaii with its sunny beaches, firey heat, surf boards floating in the clear sea and towering palm trees.

Forks, on the other hand, was miserable, drizzly and full of ghostly whispers surrounding a family who resides in the woods. The small town had a lot of secrets. Secrets that couldn't get out into the open with Kiara's own family keeping valuable secrets from her and one that would change her life drastically.

          She spotted the familiar SUV parked right by the edge of the pavement where her brother and father waited for her with wide grins on their face. Dragging her luggages, she dropped them as soon as she was close to the two, greeting them with hugs.

        "Kitty, so glad to have you back, sis. I missed you a lot," Jacob smiled, releasing the hug.

"It's been three months since I last saw you, Jake."

"Well, at least, you're staying for good now," Her dad interrupted, smiling proudly at his kids.

        Kiara's initial thought was that she didn't want to come back. After what happened, two years ago, she felt that she was too dangerous. She was only at the tender age of fourteen when it happened. The first female ever in her bloodline to phase, though, that's a story for another day.

"Yeah," she smiled hesitantly.

"Cool, let's go. The others can't wait to see you again plus a lot has happened since you've been gone," Jacob told her, grabbing her luggage to the car.

"Like what?"

"Well, now that I've phased, we can have races to see who's faster."

"You've phased? Oh my god, Jacob! Congrats, you seriously didn't tell me?" Kiara said in shock.

"Wanted it to be a surprise." he chuckled.

As they helped their father get in the car, Kiara noticed how moist the air was it making it hard to breath but it was nothing like the thick humidity of Hawaii that consumed its citizens and followed you through the night. She revved the engine and started to drive with caution.

          It wasn't that hard trying to find the house. After all, Forks was a pretty small place, with its small population of about three thousand and five hundred, so was La Push which was even smaller. It was hard for her to focus on the scenery what with the thick rain — one of the many reasons why she disliked coming back to Forks. Another was how similar all the cars and trucks looked — unwashed and the faded colors.

"Are they still here?" Kiara quietly mentioned, gripping the wheel a bit too tight.

"If you mean the Cullens, then, yeah. They're still here, nothing major has happened though," Jacob answered from the back seat.

"How's Bella?" she added as their father let out a slight chuckle. Jacob practically glared at her through the rear mirror but she was too focused on trying not to get them all killed.

"Bella is a friend. She's still with that bloodsucker, Edward."

"Jacob," their father scorned. The rest of the journey was silent. Once the family arrived, Kiara helped her dad get onto the wheelchair as Jacob brought his sister's luggage inside.

"What about all your things from your house?"

"I boxed some of them up and sent a few to Rachel and Rebecca, I thought they'd like a few hand—me downs since I've always liked theirs!" Kiara said sarcastically.

"Well, Kiara, it was all we could afford at that time and I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy having your sisters' hand—me downs," Billy apologized.

"No, no, I'm sorry for complaining, dad. It's not fair that my eight year old self decided to be selfish, right?" Kiara chuckled.

"I'll take it from here. Go check out your room, Emily and Jacob took quite a bit of time to perfect it."

The girl hurriedly walked to her room, which was just beside her brother's, toward the back end of the house. She swung the door to her room open slowly, like in one of those movies where you expect something magnificent. The room was filled with fairy lights that covered the top half of the newly—painted burgundy room. On the opposite side of the double bed, which were just the two single beds of Rachel and Rebecca, stood patiently waiting for her to lie on with the window just above the headboard.

"You like it?" She heard a voice question.

"Of course, it's amazing. Thank you, Jacob. I mean it, it's beautiful." She embraced her brother in gratitude, overwhelmed that he took time to do so much.

"No biggie, Kitty. After all, I had to do something for my favorite sister. I made us dinner which gives us time to catch up." She followed Jacob to the where their father sat at the table with plates filled with food laid neatly. She took her place at the far end of the table with Jacob opposite and Billy on the right of her.

          The three chatted endlessly almost forgetting about their meal and enjoying their time together before hell broke loose.

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