chapter sixteen - The date

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Lisa's p.o.v

I had just finished my shift at work when Elvy came rushing to me with that mischievous smile, I immediately knew she had something up in her sleeves.

"Hey girl guess who's here?" there was only one person in mind, this was really bad I didn't want my friend getting hurt.

"Please Elvy don't go out with him, I don't trust that guy"

I saw confusion in Elvy's face and I guess mine was more confused I was just trying to help her"

"What the hell girl? As a matter of fact that guy out there isn't my date"

My heart started racing and I felt the panic pick at my stomach and up my throat it felt dry and I was speechless.

"What do you mean?"

Elvy plastered that mischievous smile again and I couldn't wait anymore to know who it was.

"You better start talking girl"

"Okay detective, that rich kid is here to see you, and you know what he's all this nervous and restless pacing out there, I think he wants to ask you out on a date"

I just stood there looking at Elvy with fury building up inside me.

"How dare you Elvy I thought you were my friend"

Elvy's expression changed to that of confusion but I knew she was one to play games with me but I wasn't going to play her game.

"Lisa? How dare I do what? I just came to inform you that's it"

I still wasn't buying her story and excuses.

"You can't fool me, I know you called that guy here, I didn't tell you that I needed to be set up for a date, do I look that desperate to you?"

Elvy just stood there and her face was plain I couldn't read what she was thinking, she just turned and left me standing on the exit door.

When I got out I found Eddy standing at the parking lot rubbing his hands together all nervous. This was knew since I hadn't known him to be like this.

"What do you want Eddy? Whatever the game it is you and Elvy are playing with me, it won't work, why don't you ask her out instead"

Eddy's pacing came to a stop as he looked at me surprised.

"Hey Lisa, I don't know where you got that but I just sent Elvy to call you. Nothing more nothing else."

Damn it, this mouth of mine.

Elvy, I had judged and accused her of conspiring with Eddy behind my back, no wonder she just left without saying anything.

"Just give me a minute I'll be back"

I rushed back in the restaurant and checked all the changing rooms I even asked around but Elvy had already left.

I didn't have a cellphone and so only Eddy would help me out, I rushed back to where Eddy was standing and when I reached there he was just looking at me.

"Eddy, could you please lend me your cellphone, "

"Sure, here you can use it"

I took it but I was too nervous that I didn't even know how to use it. Luckily Eddy sensed my nervousness and took the phone from me he asked me the number I wanted to key in before dialling and giving it back to me.

It rang several times before I heard Elvy's voice on the other end.

"Hey Elvy its Lisa....."

Before I could go on she hanged up and I felt my heart constrict. This was all my fault I shouldn't have talked to her like that especially now that I knew she was innocent. But my regrets were of no use it was evident that she didn't want to talk to me.

"What happened Lisa"
Eddy had this concern look that melted my heart.

"I just did something bad to Elvy and now I guess She's mad at me . It was really my fault. Anyway what are you doing here"

I just wanted to scream to his face that it was his fault Elvy and I had a fight but deep down I knew the fault was mine and so I just swallowed my words.

"Lisa, will you go on a date with me"

The butterflies started to fly all over my stomach and I just stood there not knowing what to do, no matter how much I tried to deny it, I knew I wanted this guy close to me.

I wanted him to be mine, for him to look at me with that touch of love, to smile to me, his eyes were adorable darker with passion, I wanted him to love me because I loved him.

And what really scared the hell out of me, I didn't want to get hurt I was eager to find out how it felt to be loved by someone because I already knew how it felt to be inlove.

It was that feeling I couldn't explain, wanting something soo much that it did hurt not having it.

For the moment I let my heart guide me, I would listen to it even for this once.
But before that I had a burning question for him.

"What about Claudia, your girlfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore, I broke up with her"

I was both surprised and jumpy but there was that little devil inside of me rejoicing, I was just scared of one thing.

This guy playing with my vulnerable heart

When it came to matters of the heart I was naive and non-experienced.

"What happened?"

"Its along story, as a Matter of fact we were not together as such, but I'll tell you about it some other time?"

"Okay, I still don't know what to say"

"Come on Lisa, please just say yes"

I was still having inner battles and even though I wasn't sure what was the right thing to do, perhaps it would be best to give him a chance and get to know him well

"Okay, but I'll have to go home and change"

"Alright Lisa, I can pick you up at 7:30pm , what do you say?"

"Sure, I'll see you then"

With that I left excitement building up as I tried to figure out what to wear, as far as I was concerned I had nothing decent to wear to such a date.

If it came to worse I would just wear some denim jeans and show up. Too bad I had driven Elvy away and today I didn't have my gurdian angel with me.

I would make sure to talk to her first thing in the morning and apologize to her, I was wrong and I would make it upto her.

As for the date, i was so restless that I couldn't get it out of my mind all the way to my house, I just prayed that I did not end up doing something stupid like spilling the drink on him.

It would be so embarrassing

Yeeeey! Thanks guys for your votes and comments, I hope I've been at per with my promise to update often.

You my readers, are my motivation, more updates to come.
Love you guys.

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