chapter twenty three - Rooftop love

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Lisa's p.o.v.

For a moment I abandon my shield, I have always sheltered myself from such hurt, my rules forgotten, my dreams left at Eddy's door step. I feel like am breaking into pieces but there's no one to stitch me up.

For a moment I close my eyes and I just walk, I wish I was blind so that I could not see that scene back at Eddy's house but then again my wishes are just empty.

By this time I just let my feet take me to nowhere in particular, I find myself climbing the stairs of the tallest building around. At the rooftop I feel like am on top of the world but there's a crack and slowly my building is crumbling.

I stretch my hands as though to reach out for the only grip I can get and then I miss the step..

But before I could fall, someone held me at the back and when I turned, there he was standing, his eyes filled with fear, something flicks in his eyes and I at once knew it was guilt.

"Are you crazy Lisa, do you want to die?"

I just stood there my mouth dry unable to find my voice, was I dead? was this a dream? Was Eddy really infront of me?

"Am talking to you Lisa"

I blinked several times before I was sure that it was him, he was still holding me, pretty close that I could feel the heat from his body vibrate through me.

Was I supposed to hug him, and praise him for being the hero of the day, for saving this girl who meant nothing to him?
He was so wrong, right now I just wanted to punch his face actually throw him off the building.

No I love him.

"No am not crazy, and I wasn't trying to kill myself"

"But I saw you miss a step, you almost fell"

I knew this guy was playing mind games with me pretending he cared but somehow curiosity was eating me up, why was he here and not with Claudia?

"And why were you following me, I thought you made it clear"

I felt my eyes itch but there was no way I was going to give this guy the satisfaction of seeing me cry, that's how much stubborn I was.

"You might not believe this but I do care about you and the last thing I want is to hurt you"

Well it was too late for that, I was already hurt and breaking into trillion pieces, too late for his sweet words.

"What are you doing here"

"Lisa just hear me out, I came to explain things"

My head was warning me not to listen to him, to just walk away while it was still early but my heart could not listen, and together it collaborated with my legs and I just stood there listening to his words.

"I'm sorry Lisa, but I've been having problems with my family since Claudia told my mom that I was seeing another girl who is a wai... well not the kind she would approve..."

"..yeah a waitress, I know a low life and definitely not your type.."

"Listen to me beautiful, to me you are pretty and perfect and I love you"

For a moment I missed my heart beat as I felt the world come to a standstill, if it was a bus I would just have alighted and taken a tour. He loved me.

He loved me.

But wait, what about Claudia?

I had found her naked in his house, I wanted to ask him but he was not done yet.

"As for Claudia, trust me its not what you think, she has been using my mom's opinion of her to get closer to me, but no more games Lisa, its you I love and not even my mom can change that"

I found myself hugging him tight and I just couldn't find enough words to tell him how I felt about him.

"I love you too Eddy, please don't ever leave me"

"I promise beautiful, I won't"

After hugging and giving each other smiles I felt much lighter and somehow I wanted to spread the love wings and fly.

"Where do you want to go beautiful?"

"Anywhere the handsome guy wants to take me."

We took the stairs as we held hands but on reaching the last floor there Claudia was, I felt a shiver but Eddy squeezed my hand and I felt composed.

"So you are leaving me for this dirty golddigger?"

"Claudia I told you, there can never be anything between us, for the last time I love Lisa"

My other hand was in a tight fist and I just wanted to grab Claudia's hair and show her how much of a trouble I was but the grip from Eddy made me calm.

"I suggest you just go home Claudia and stop your crazy acts"

"I won't let her take you away from me, ain't happening Eddy"

I saw Claudia take a step but Eddy was quick to stand between us, he held her but she somehow managed to pull my hood.

The nerve of that girl I felt anger crawl up my spine and I couldn't hold in anymore but she went for my hair and I missed my step, and this time not even eddy could catch me.

I was falling everything was spinning and the pain that shot through my body was unbearable.

My head hurt and the last thing I heard was Eddy calling out to me before everything went black....

Hello guys here is a new update, am a little
bit busy but I'll try to update sooner.
Keep voting and commenting.

Love, Gemmar.

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