chapter twenty nine - Dinner

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Eddy's p.o.v.

Everything I had feared was catching up with me, I knew my mom had something up her sleeve and this wasnt going to be good especially for Lisa, but there was no way I was going to give not even my mother the pleasure of breaking the trust I had built with Lisa.

My instincts warned me that perhaps that would be the end of our good relationship and with all my wit I wanted to prevent that, choosing between my mom and the girl I loved.

But somehow I knew that point would come and to be honest I didn't know who I would choose, she was my mom despite everything and on the other hand I loved Lisa, I decided to let time direct the turn of events.

"Lisa are you done in there?"

"I'll be out in a minute Eddy"

Lisa was getting ready and it was with alot of conviction that I had managed to persuade her to come along with me. I knew it wasn't easy for her after everything Claudia had done.

Speaking of Claudia, it had been a while since I had heard from her, somehow I was constantly worried on what she was upto but I ended up pushing her out of my mind.

I couldn't blame her, who wouldn't want to date Eddy Garcia? But unfortunately I was so close to scoring when It came to lisa.

Was it pity?

Or genuine affection?

I wasn't going to start exploring that particular part, all my life I had just enjoyed the shear fact that I had girls flocking around me and not caring whether they actually cared for me and my personality or the fact that I was rich and from a prestigious family.

That hadn't occurred to me until now, but the effect Lisa had on me, no one had ever made me feel that way before. But I still had the question of how i would know if it was really love or just a strong attraction.

Those are the insecurities that gave me chills.

" I'm now ready, but I still have a bad feeling about this whole thing"

"Let's hope it will go well"

"Okay fingers crossed"

We left in my car, Lisa was looking spectacular I had ordered for a dresser to fit her and she was gorgeous in the black dress that showed all her curves well, her pale skin was now radiant and glowing.

Her hair was chest nut black and shinny, when I looked at her I was proud. I admit that Claudia was beautiful but only because she stayed polished but as for Lisa she had that natural touch that Claudia lucked.

Oh hell, why was I still thinking about Claudia?

It was a thirty minutes drive as we were both nervous and in that silence I was sure we both dreaded for what awaited us inside the big mansion that was now clearly visible before us.

I drove through the gates which were opened by the security guards there, I took a while to park as there were two more cars which I hadn't seen before.

Were there more guests inside?

"Here we are beautiful"

"Eddy I have this bad feeling..."

"Don't worry am here for you my lady"

I did a small fake bow which made her smile but still didn't make the atmosphere any less tensed.

I went and opened the door for her, her hair was piled on top and I wanted to catch those strands of hair that had come loose, she was looking hot, that had always been my type of liking for a woman that pleased me.

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