Chapter 7

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Go to Channel 4? Why? 

"Hey guys, Joe just said to turn on Channel 4. Can you switch on the T.V right there?" I asked. There was a small T.V. in the corner of the kitchen. Nick slipped off the steel chair and turned it on. He flipped until he reached Channel 4.
I saw a helicopter shot of an ocean? It was very hard to see what ocean. There was a plane that had crash landed in the water. I listened to the reporter that was doing a voice over.

"This is Oceanic Flight 816. It seems like the fate of it's brother, Flight 815, has created a curse upon each Oceanic Flight. This particular flight was heading to Paris. When the feul engery ran low, it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. So far the reports say that there have been no signs of life and that everyone has perished." The voice faded out and zoomed on the plane. Like she had said, there was not single person in sight.

"Summer, what was the flight that your parents were on?" Zak asked. He got off the chair and stood behind me. I pulled out my phone. My parents had texted me the flight that they were taking. I scrolled to saved messages. Come on...Ali, Stef, Joe, Roman....Mom! I clicked on the file. 

Hey sweetie here is out flight number just in case...Oceanic Flight 816.

I froze when I saw that.

"What is it?" Aaron asked. I didn't respond. Zak, who was already behind me, peeked over my shoulder to see what it was for himself.

"''s their flight." He said solemnly. I was still in shock.

"Does that mean...that..they..the reporter said that they found no survivors?" I tried to get my sentence out.

"No, they may still be there. Hopefully. Look, see they're pulled people out....wait...nevermind. Turn around.." Zak tried to turn my away from the televsion, but I went against his force. "Turn around! Summer! Listen to me!" He raised his voice.

Nick and Aaron was watching the T.V with fright.  I spun around out of Zak's grip just in time to see the helicopters lifting people out of the water...but they weren't alive. I looked and watched to see if I could spot my mom and dad. The 5th person they brought up...looked too familiar.  

"Dad..." I whimpered...It was barely and audible squeak. I turned away from the T.V. Zak was right there and I hugged him. " mom there too?" I asked through the muffled sound of my face in Zak's arm.

"Y-Yeah.. Sorry kid..." Nick said.

I cried and sobbed. I heard small cried from Aaron. He was close to the family. Like I said, he was one of my dad's college friends and they never lost touch. Now there was no one here to take care of  Joe and I. And wouldn't we be seperated depeding on whose godchildren we were? As I thought about that, I got a chill up my spine. I realized that deja vu. When I was in the basement and saw my mom and dad. And the bad feeling I got in my stomach. 

"Zak, when we do the lockdown tonight, can we try and channel my parents. I swore I saw them downstairs in the basement while I was getting the movies." I asked. 

"Yeah. Of course we can do that." Zak said. It was like he was fuzzy and out of touch with the world at the moment. 

"Well, now you can go to the lockdowns with us and become part of the crew..." Aaron added in. He was trying to add a little bit of dry humor. It worked a little. 

"Hey! Now that would be illegal because technically we would be taking her from her godparents." Nick said. 

"Well until we find the papers, we cannot asume that it is illegal." Zak said. He held me closer, like in a protective way.

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